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  1. 顺正说他有事跟我说。

    Junsei said he has something to tell me .

  2. 那么顺正,你愿意向我保证吗?

    Then junsei , will you promise me ?

  3. 你将会得到一份中英双语的材料,其中包含各种体式序列表和关于精微身(能量身,也是指脉络和气)的顺位(正位)信息,以及重要的冥想和教学的工具。

    You will receive a comprehensive bilingual workbook with various asana charts and alignment information pertaining to the subtle body as well as valuable tools for meditation and teaching .

  4. 而且对背景桥的最大悬臂状态进行三维空间应力分析,得出相应横断面的顺桥向正应力分布及传递规律。

    At the same time , the maximum cantilever status of background bridge has been analysed on three-dimensional space stress , in order to obtain the distribution and transmission rules of bridge in axial direction normal stress corresponding to cross section .

  5. 本文采用拔牵、摇挤、顺按、牵正等四步正骨推拿手法并配以中药薰洗治疗62例尺踝部软组织损伤收到良好效果。

    Total of 62 cases suffered from soft tissues injury of foot and ankle were treated by bonesetting massage tech-nique , assisted with traditional Chinese Medicine fuming .