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  1. 所有病例均经CT诊断,血肿位于基底节者4例,位于大脑内者6例。

    All cases were confirmed by CT scanning , showing the sites of hematomas in the basal ganglia in 4 cases , and in the cerebral hemisphere in 6 cases .

  2. 42例健康人上呼吸道各平面横截面积低于参考值者5例(11.9%),27例OSAS各平面的横截面积在正常参考值内者4例(148%)。

    The values of 5 ( 11.9 % ) cases in normal adults group and 4 cases in OSAS group are below the reference range .

  3. 有6例经过其它部位。双胆囊动脉的浅、深两支均位于Calot氏三角内者有14例;

    Eight cases of the single and 14 cases of the double cystic artery were found tobe located in the Calot 's triangle .

  4. 出生缺陷确诊时间为产后7天内者109例,占74.66%。

    109 cases ( 74.66 % ) were finally diagnosed in 7 days after childbirth .

  5. 结果15例黑色素瘤患者中发生于颅内者12例,椎管内者3例。

    Results There were 12 cases of intracranial melanoma and 3 cases of spinal cord melanomas .

  6. 联合用药的患者中,血药浓度在正常治疗浓度范围内者为28.45%。

    The blood concentration of 28.45 % of the patients treated by drug combination was within the normal range .

  7. 自然转移组远处转移发生于2年内者占91.26%,而放疗后转移组至第4年才达到93.48%;

    The distant metastasis happened in 91.26 % of the cases in the natural metastasis group in 2 years .

  8. 术后病理检查肿瘤局限于包膜内者34例,切缘阳性1例,盆腔淋巴结微转移1例。

    Postoperative pathologic findings revealed that organ-confined disease in 34 cases , positive surgical margin in 1 case , and one lymph node positive in 1 case .

  9. 方法对300例婴幼儿泪囊炎患儿,年龄在一个月内者先进行保守治疗,泪囊区按摩加滴抗生素眼水。

    Methods To 300 infant suffering dacryocystitis , the less than one-month patients accept a conservative treatment , the dacryocystis district massage and antibiotic eye water treatment .

  10. 危险因素的调查:每年测量血压一次者占22.2%,服药控制血压在正常水平内者占23.1%,业余时间有规律地参加体育运动者占36.5%。

    Investigation of risk factors : One test for blood pressure each year ( 22.2 % ), taking the medicine to control the blood pressure at a well-balanced status ( 23.1 % ) and attending physical exercise regularly at leisure time ( 36.5 % ) .

  11. 手术以复位后1~3月内者效果满意,但超过6个月后,股骨头缺血性坏死率高,髋功能优良率低。

    A satisfactory effect will be get if the operation done within 1 ~ 3 months after reduction . If it is done after 6 months , there is a high rate of ischemic necrosis of femoral head and the hip joint function will be poor .

  12. 违反行政法上义务之行为或结果,有一在中华民国领域内者,为在中华民国领域内违反行政法上义务。

    Where either the Commission of an act in breach of duty under administrative law or the consequence resulting therefrom takes place within the territory of the Republic of china , it shall constitute a breach of duty under administrative law committed within the territory of the Republic of china .

  13. 乳腺癌术后长期存活及二年内复发者DNA含量分析

    The analysis of DNA content of breast carcinoma in patients between long term survival and recurrence within 2 years

  14. 本组死亡率为71.1%,3d内死亡者占81.3%。

    The mortality rate was 71.1 % , of which the deaths within three days accounted for 81.3 % .

  15. 结果提示ICU内ALI者最常见的病因为脓毒血症和多发性创伤;

    Results Sepsis and major trauma were the most common pathogeny .

  16. 一例~(239)Pu内污染者的剂量评价

    Dose Assessment for a Case of ~ ( 239 ) Pu Internal Contamination

  17. 合并球内异物者共50例,18例于24h内取出,32例于24h后取出。

    Intraocular foreign bodies were taken out within 24 hours in 18 patents and after 24 hours in 32 patients .

  18. 睫状沟固定者中55.9%有襻性PAS,囊袋内固定者襻性PAS占42.3%(P>0.05)。

    55.9 % of the sulcus fixated and 42.3 % of the capsular fixated eyes had lens haptic PAS ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  19. 其中伤后4周内检查者46例,MRI主要发现有脊髓挫伤、硬膜外出血、韧带撕裂、椎骨骨折和椎间盘脱出。

    Forty six cases were examined within 4 weeks after trauma with MRI findings of spinal cord contusion , extradural hemorrhage , ligamentous laceration , vertebral fracture and hernia of intervertebral disc .

  20. 静脉滴药疗效,边缘智力为100%,智力落后为30%,远高于肌内注射者,边缘智力为50%(P<0.01),智力落后为20%(P<0.05)。

    The curative effect of intravenous drip , frontier intelligence 100 % , oligophrenia 30 % , was higher intramuscular injection , frontier intelligence 50 % ( P < 0 01 ), oligophrenia 20 % ( P < 0 05 ) .

  21. 而药物治疗组患者CS(昼)在用药后两周恢复者占11.1%,一个月内恢复者占44.4%,复发率为16.7%。

    The recovery rate of the control group was 11.1 % and 44.4 % after two weeks and after one months respectively and the recurrence rate was 16.7 % .

  22. 结肠癌术后1年内复发者血清OPN水平及OPNmRNA的表达明显高于未复发者(P<0.01)。

    The OPN mRNA expression and the serum level in patients with recurrence one year after operation were higher than those without recurrence ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 随着世界范围内肥胖者的增多,II型糖尿病也越来越普遍了。素食中包含多种碳水化合物和纤维能够帮助身体更有效地分泌胰岛素,从而预防II型糖尿病。

    Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common with the rise of obesity around the world , and vegetarian diets may even can prevent it by including complex carbs and fiber that help the body manage insulin more efficiently .

  24. 34例手术探查患者中,治愈32例占94.12%,死亡2例占5.88%(8h内手术者死亡1例,超过8h手术死亡1例)。

    Among 34 patients with exploratory laparotomy , 2 patients died ( 5.88 % ) and 32 patients were cured ( 94.12 % ) .

  25. 结论闭合性腘动脉损伤应尽早明确诊断,在8h内修复者效果好,超过这一时限病残率及截肢率均明显上升。

    Conclusions Closed popliteal artery injury should be diagnosed early and treated in 8 hours , and the disability and amputation rates are significant increased when treated latterly .

  26. 方法观察老年胆源性胰腺炎18例,全部病例均采用手术治疗,其中24h内手术者16例,72h内手术2例,全部病例均行胆囊切除、胆囊管引流。

    Methods 18 cases of such patient were underwent the operation ( among them 16 cases within 24 h and 2 cases within 72 h ) . All cases were cholecystectomy and bile duct drainage .

  27. 感染:移植后100d内感染者17例,病原学确诊为细菌感染3例,真菌感染2例,巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染6例。

    Infection within 100 days after URD-SCT was documented in 17 cases . Three cases presented bacterial infection , 2 suffered fungal infection and 6 had cytomegalovirus infection .

  28. 发病48小时以上手术的AAC胆囊坏疽与穿孔率及术后并发症发生率与病死率均较48小时内手术者明显增高(P值分别<0.001,<0.001,<0.05)。

    The morbidity and mortality of patients with AAC operated within 48 hours were 15.15 % and 3.03 % , respectively , in contrast to 68.42 % and 31.58 % in patients operated more than 48 hours ( P < 0.001 and P < 0.05 ) .

  29. M-Dot-ELISA检测麻风家内接触者血清中麻风杆菌特异性抗原

    Detection of M. leprae-specific Antigen with M-Dot-ELISA in Sera from Household Contacts of Leprosy Patients

  30. 在网络环境下,小组内学习者之间如何协作共同完成学习任务,即学习者之间交互的模式,是决定CSCL成败的关键所在。

    In a network environment , how the co-learners collaborate in the group to complete learning tasks , the Interaction among the learner models is to determine the key to the success of CSCL .