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qū zhí
  • right and wrong
曲直 [qū zhí]
  • [right and wrong] 弯曲和平直,比喻是非

  • 争曲直。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

  • 曲直不分

曲直[qū zhí]
  1. 人人皆可拼刀枪,谁有权利断曲直?

    All Have the Right to Fight : None Have the Right to Judge .

  2. 第三,我国劳动力市场的发育走过了一段艰难曲直的历程。

    Third , the development of labor market in China goes through many twist and turns .

  3. 在三件事情上,事情的曲直不是像头条新闻那样简单。

    In all three cases , the story was not quite as simple as the headlines suggested .

  4. 整体机身线条曲直结合,刚柔并济。与现代家居环境完美配合。

    The overall outline of this device combines the curve and straight lines , hard and soft , matching the modern house environment perfectly .

  5. 由此引申到拳种性别的角度来看,其运动特点多在快慢、起落、曲直的相互转化中连续不断,一气呵成。

    Extension to be seperated gender perspective , its motion characteristics in speed , more ups and downs , of advancing continuously , reciprocal transformation , entity .

  6. 从画面出发,线条作为一种语言,它的表现形式是丰富的,它能够在曲直不一中体现艺术的真谛。

    Set out from the appearance , the lines is a kind of language , its manifestation is abundant , it can in right and wrong differently body now the true meaning of the art .

  7. 本文在曲直灰数的概念、运算基础上,定义了复盲数的均值概念,并介绍了应用方法。

    Based on the concept and operations of winding and straight gray number , this paper gives the concept of the even value of complex blind number , and introduces the methods to apply it .

  8. 本文从国际法角度,对截至目前提起的对日民间索赔案件进行了分类梳理,并针对日本法院驳回原告诉讼请求的理由和依据予以剖析解读,以求分辨曲直,澄清责任。

    With the view of the international law , this article classified the cases that happened and analyzed the reasons that the Japanese court denied the claims in order to clarify the matters and distinguish the obligation .

  9. 先秦雅乐,主要适用于宗庙、朝堂等仪式需要,因而表现为缓慢、平稳,肃穆、庄严,广大且曲直得当等音声特征。

    While the refined music at that time , was mainly applied to the ceremony of ancestral temple or a ruling house , which is characteristic of being slow , stable , solemn and peaceful , large and bending .

  10. 其实书意未必需要笔墨的驾驭也能驰骋,木板的纹路或者发丝的曲直,和锥划沙、屋漏痕的寓意相似吧。

    Calligraphy can gallop without the rein of brush and ink , it might be hiding inside the wooden grain or the wave of hair , or the scratch of prick on sand , or the watermark dripping from the roof .

  11. 毕竟,这条一无所有的汉子,根据种种线索并通过拼出一条血路,在一个极度不公和腐败的世界里燃起正义之火并厘清是非黑白曲直。

    This is , after all , a man who doesn 't have anything and who is able to rise up and right the wrongs of a profoundly unjust and corrupt system , through following the clues and beating the hell out of people .

  12. 如它有长短、粗细、方圆、曲直、轻重、浓淡、干湿、虚实、疏密、聚散、顺逆、徐疾、起伏、顿挫等无穷的变化。

    If it has length , thickness , radius , right and wrong , the severity , strength , and wet and dry , the actual situation , the density and everything , good times or bad , Xu disease , ups and downs , frustrated and so infinite variety .