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  1. 拇指能曲伸而触及食指。

    The thumb is opposable to the forefinger .

  2. 结论牢固缝合术后早期主动活动,系统的康复治疗是预防肌腱粘连提高指关节曲伸功能的有效方法。

    Conclusion Early positive activity after operation with this complex suture and synthetical rehabilitation therapy can prevent adhesion of tendon and raise the function of fingers ' motion .

  3. 目的:测量国人颈段脊柱颈曲以及伸屈活动度。

    Objective : To measure the cervical spinal curvation and range of flexsionextension of Chinese .

  4. 目的:研究国人颈段脊柱颈曲以及伸屈活动度,比较颈椎病患者与正常人之间的差异。

    Aim : To study the curvation and the range of flexion extension of Chinese cervical spines and to compare the difference between the normal and the patients with cervical spondylosis ( CS ) .

  5. 角度测量是自C2/3至C7/T1逐个节段测量其终板所成夹角,前曲与后伸位测得的夹角相加得出单个节段椎间隙活动范围,比较手术前、后角度变化。

    To measure the angle which composed of terminal plates of C2 / 3 to C7 / T1 , added the angle of procurvation and retroflexion each segment to get the extension of the intervertebral space and compare the change with them .