• kick;kick out;strike
  • 用脚触击:~毽子。一脚~开。~蹬。~踏。~皮球(a.抬脚触击皮球;b.喻互相推委,来回扯皮的官僚主义作风)。


(用脚撞击) kick:

  • 踢足球

    play football;

  • 踢毽子

    kick the shuttlecocks;

  • 踢进一个球

    kick a goal;

  • 连踢带打

    both kick and beat;

  • 踢开绊脚石

    kick away a stumbling block;

  • 踢翻一把椅子

    kick over a chair;

  • 千万不要走在马后, 它会踢你的。

    Never walk behind a horse in case it kicks out (at you).

  • 他把足球踢出场外。

    He kicked the football out of the field.

  • 他踢中锋。

    He plays centre forward.

  • 消防队员不得不把门踢开进入着火的大楼。

    The firemen had to kick the door in to get inside the burning building.

  • 老板把汤姆踢出工厂大门。

    The boss kicked Tom out of the factory.

  1. 后卫一脚把球踢出50米远,落入人群中。

    The fullback 's kick carried 50 metres into the crowd .

  2. 戴维踢了门一脚,门一下子开了。

    David gave the door a kick and it flew open .

  3. 他凌空一脚把球踢入网窝。

    He volleyed the ball into the back of the net .

  4. 她在桌子底下踢了安妮一脚,让她住嘴。

    She kicked Anne under the table to shut her up .

  5. 他年轻的时候在威尔士队踢橄榄球。

    In his younger days he played rugby for Wales .

  6. 他说我踢他了,可是我从来就没碰过他!

    He said I kicked him , but I never touched him !

  7. 他们在加时赛中仅踢进一球即获胜。

    They won by a single goal after extra time .

  8. 这孩子又踢又叫地被拖走了。

    The child was dragged away , kicking and screaming .

  9. 他的娱乐活动包括打高尔夫球、踢足球和射击。

    His recreations include golf , football and shooting .

  10. 他狠狠踢了一下门。

    He gave the door a good hard kick .

  11. 保健问题不应该成为被踢来踢去的政治皮球。

    Health care should not become a political football .

  12. 他唯一的娱乐就是踢足球。

    His only form of recreation is playing football .

  13. 她朝他的小腿踢了一脚。

    She gave him a kick on the shin .

  14. 这个传球使齐达内将球轻松踢进门。

    The pass left Zidane with a simple tap-in .

  15. 我的脚趾踢在了台阶上。

    I stubbed my toe on the step .

  16. 希尔踢进了致胜的一球。

    The winning goal was scored by Hill .

  17. 他一记猛射,将球踢进网。

    He hammered the ball into the net .

  18. 菲戈砰的一脚将球踢过了守门员。

    Figo thundered the ball past the goalie .

  19. 她朝袭击者的下身踢了一脚。

    She kicked her attacker in the groin .

  20. 他踢了戈梅斯的肚子,把他踢得喘不上气来。

    He kicked Gomez in the stomach , knocking the wind out of him .

  21. 袭击者一脚踢在他肚子上。

    The attacker kicked him in the stomach .

  22. 他把球踢出了边线。

    He kicked the ball into touch .

  23. 他们狠狠地踢了他一顿。

    They gave him a good kicking .

  24. 我的腿踢足球时骨折了。

    I broke my leg playing football .

  25. 别踢了——好痛哟!

    Stop kicking ─ it hurts !

  26. 他踢边锋。

    He plays on the wing .

  27. 他走到罚球点,稳稳地把球踢入网内。

    He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net .

  28. 几个男孩还在那片废弃的空地上踢足球。

    Several boys were still playing football on the waste ground .

  29. 我的一个朋友在利物浦队踢过球。

    A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool .

  30. 我去踢球却踢了个空。

    I went to kick the ball and I completely missed it