
  • 网络flat screen printing;plate screen printing
  1. FS-80活性染料增稠剂在平网印花机上的应用

    The application of reactive thickening agent FS-80 to flat screen printing machine

  2. 对平网印花机提出了相应的设计思路。

    Design ideas regarding flat screen printing machine are put forth .

  3. 开发了基于可视化语言VISUALBASIC和Access数据库技术的平网印花机监测系统。

    The flat-net printing-machine supervisory control system is designed based on microsoft visual basic and access database technology .

  4. VC下的串口通信及其在平网印花系统中的应用

    Serial Communication on VC and Its Application in Panel Printing System

  5. 基于DSP和IPM技术的平网印花机印花单元专用变频器的设计

    The special inverter design of flat printing unit based on DSP and IPM

  6. JF系列平网印花制版感光胶应用技术

    Application of photogelatin JF to flat screen stencil

  7. 平网印花机无级变速器的运动性能与优化设计

    Characteristic Analysis and optimal Design of Variable-Speed Drive for Printing Machine

  8. 进口刮刀式平网印花单元的结构特点

    Structural Features of Import Flat Screen Printing Unit with Doctor Blades

  9. 平网印花机双轴伺服系统的数学建模

    Mathematics modeling for a biaxial-axis servo driving flat screen printing system

  10. 现代控制技术在平网印花机中的应用

    The Application of Modern Control Technique on Flat Screen Printing Machine

  11. 新型双伺服传动平网印花机电气控制设计

    New generation textile printing machine with the dual-servo motor electronic control system

  12. 混合糊料在活性染料平网印花中的应用

    The Application of Thickener Mixture to Flat Screen Printing with Reactive Dyes

  13. 具有实时控制功能的平网印花机

    Flat Screened Printing Machine with Real Time Control Function

  14. 平网印花用水溶性逆向反射浆应用性能的研究

    Study on the Application Performance of Water Solubility Retroreflection Paste for Flat Screen Printing

  15. 伺服电机在实现平网印花机网框升降中的应用

    Application of Servomotor to the Lift of the Screen Frame of Flat Screen Printing Machine

  16. 回归反射织物的平网印花研究

    Retroreflective Fabric by Flat Screen Printing

  17. 新型平网印花机自动对花系统的研究

    Flowers Reconsidering on Chinese Word Segmentation Automatic Registering Unit of A New Model Flat Screen Printing Machine

  18. 对郑州纺机新研制的伺服传动型平网印花机的主要构成及特点进行了介绍及分析。

    The maim structure and characteristics of the new servo-drive type flat screen printing machine are presented with analyses .

  19. 改造平网印花机并用于多套彩色植绒印花。

    Flock printing with multi colors on modified flat screen machine is carried out , especially about base cloth printing .

  20. 浅析瑞士布塞平网印花机单元通讯系统

    My Tentative View on the Communication System of Printing Cells of the Flat Screen Printing Machine Made By Buser Swiss

  21. 光坯布印花设备可选用滚筒印花机、布动平网印花机和圆筒筛网印花机。

    For greige cloth , either rotary printing machine or cloth movable flat screen printing machine and circular screen printing machine can be used .

  22. 介绍圆筒蒸锅的特点,及在粘胶织物活性平网印花后的蒸化工艺中的应用。

    Based on production practice , the characteristics of cylinder steamer and its application to aging steaming after flat-screen printing of viscose fabric with reactive dye were introduced .

  23. 介绍平网印花机上进行活性染料和金粉共同印花时金粉浆的配制、注意事项,以及在印花生产过程中对花版的制备和活性染料色浆性能等要求。

    The preparation of copper powder paste and stencil as well as the property of reactive paste during alongside printing with reactive and copper powder on flat screen printing were introduced .

  24. 中间烘燥机(平网印花机的附属设备)介绍平网和圆网印花机,以及拉幅、热定形、烘燥机和平幅水洗机的基本特性及其选择。

    In this paper , the characteristics and selection of flat screen printing machine , rotary screen printing machine , stentering and heat setting dryer , open width washing machine were all introduced .

  25. 通过对比浮动辊型及双辊伺服传动型平网印花机的技术特点,介绍了新型平网印花机所具有的印花精度高、可靠性高、产量高和可控性好的优点;

    Technical characteristics of flat screen printing machine of floating roller and double servo-drive are compared . The new type of flat screen printing machine features highly printing precision , reliability , productivity and controllability .

  26. 介绍了传统印花在筛网制作、雕刻、平网印花机等方面近年来国外公司的发展动向;数码印花的特点及技术进展;

    The paper introduces the developing trends in traditional printing in terms of screen making and engraving both at home and abroad in recent years , also the advances in digital printing , and successful application of digital heat transfer printing in domestic apparel industry .

  27. 随着印花技术的发展,海藻酸钠在圆、平网印花中产生系列缺陷,而且价格日趋攀升,资源紧张,影响了厂家生产效益。

    With the development of printing technology , sodium alginate has some defects in rotary screen printing and flat screen printing , and also its price has been increasingly rising , in addition to that , its resources are tight that all affect the manufacturers ' production efficiency .

  28. 织物平圆网印花图案设计CAD制版系统研制成功

    CAD System for Flat / Rotary Screen Printing Pattern Design Developed

  29. 服饰文化与平网四色印花

    The Culture of Dress and Four Colors of Flat Net Printing

  30. 平网四色印花的探讨

    Investigation in Four Colour Printing on Flat Screen Printing Machine