
  • 网络Balancing machine;wheel balancer;YYQ;balancingmachine
  1. 通过PLC编程实现自动动平衡机的单步操作

    PLC Programming of Single Step Operation Control of Automatic Balancing Machine

  2. 基于DFT的动平衡机不平衡量提取算法

    Extraction Algorithm for Unbalance in Dynamic Balancing Machine Based on DFT

  3. 基于USB接口的动平衡机数据采集系统

    The Data Acquisition System of Dynamic Balance Machine Based on USB Interface

  4. 鉴于此,本课题研究开发了基于多CPU嵌入式系统的动平衡机。

    So , this paper mainly develop the dynamic balancer based on multi-CPU embedded system .

  5. 基于VI技术的农用动平衡机测量系统

    Design of Dynamically Balancing Instrument for Agricultural Machine by Virtual Instrument Technology

  6. 基于DWT和DFT的动平衡机不平衡量提取原理及实现

    Principle and Implementation of Unbalanced Signal Extraction from a Dynamic Balancing Machine Based on DWT & DFT

  7. Nastran实现动平衡机轴承摆架的模态分析的过程,并将计算结果与试验测试数据进行了对比。

    Nastran , and compares the results of calculation with data of the test and measuring .

  8. XXX是一台有特殊用途的平衡机,是设计用来探测并修正制动圆盘上质量不均匀分布。

    The balancing machine XXX is a special purpose machine designed to detect and correct asymmetrical weight distribution on brake discs .

  9. 设计了数字线性相位带通滤波及DFT解调算法,并成功地将其应用于纺杯分梳辊动平衡机不平衡量幅度及相位解调中。

    The algorithm of the designed digital linear phase bandpass filter and DFT demodulation are successfully applied to the unbalanced amplitude and phase demodulation of the textile cup and carding roller dynamic balance machine .

  10. JLP-1型车轮平衡机的结构原理与应用

    Principle and Application on structure of JLP-1 type balance machine of wheel

  11. YYW硬支承动平衡机原理分析及维修

    Principle analysis and Repairing of YYW Hard support Balance Machine

  12. 智能控件化虚拟仪器在MN-1动平衡机故障诊断中的应用

    The application of virtual instrument based on intelligent virtual control in mn-1 dynamic balance machinery fault diagnosis

  13. 针对动平衡机的工作环境恶劣和复杂,干扰严重的特点,采用了软件抗干扰技术,本文详细论述了软件冗余、软件陷阱、Watchdog和故障自动恢复处理等技术原理和程序设计方法。

    To abominable and complicated work condition of dynamic balancing machine and serious jamming , software anti-jamming technology is adopted . Principle of software redundance , software hook , " watchdog " and auto-resume from malfunction is detailedly described and program is designed .

  14. 在微型转子自动平衡机中,转子质量小于5g。为了测量转子的不平衡量,保证测量精度,转速必须非常稳定。

    In order to survey imbalance of rotor , and guarantee high precision correcting , the speed of micro rotor should be very stable in dynamic balancing machine in which the mass of rotor is less than 5 g.

  15. 我们研制开发的JP-380数显电箱广泛应用于各种软、硬支承平衡机,深受广大客户的欢迎和信赖。

    The JP-380 digital display electrical box launched by us is applicable to all kinds of soft , hard bearing balancing machines , and is well-received and trusted by customers .

  16. 磁电机转子半自动平衡机的研制

    Research and Development of Semi - Automatic Balancer for Magneto Rotors

  17. 曲轴动平衡机测试系统设计及实现

    Design and Implementation of Measurement System of Balancing Machine for Crankshaft

  18. 曲轴动平衡机改造技术研究

    The Study on Balancing Technology in Modification of Crankshaft Balancing Machine

  19. 带微机系统的硬支承动平衡机

    Development of a rigid support dynamic balance machine with microcomputer system

  20. 动平衡机系统误差分析及标定方法研究

    Study on calibration method and system error compensation of balancing machines

  21. 动平衡机设计平台的开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Design Platform for Dynamic Balancing Machines

  22. 本文首先建立了一般立式动平衡机的数学模型。

    The mathematics model of general vertical-dynamic-balancing-machine is set up firstly .

  23. 气浮立式硬支承动平衡机研究

    Research on Vertical Hard Bearing Dynamic Balancing Machine by Gas Bearing

  24. 专用轮胎平衡机的研制及平衡检测技术

    Development of Balancing Machine Special for Tyre and Balance Testing Technology

  25. 提高动平衡机精度的力矢量方法

    Force Vector Method for Improving the Accuracy of Dynamic Balance Machine

  26. 动平衡机数字带通滤波器设计

    Design for Digital Bandpass Filter of the Dynamic Balance Machine

  27. 一种实用的动平衡机(仪)电气校零电路

    A Practical Correction Circuit Used in Dynamical Balancing - Machine

  28. 基于铣削去重的刹车盘平衡机控制系统研究

    Research on Milling Method for Control System of Brake Discs Balancing Machine

  29. 立式硬支承动平衡机微机化测量系统的研究

    A Study of Micro-Computerized Measuring System of Vertical Hard Bearing Dynamic Machine

  30. 软支承动平衡机的试验转速

    The test speed of flexible & support dynamic balancing machine