
píng tiáo
  • Flat tone;flat regulation;flat gain regulation;transfer sth. gratis;shave and transfer
平调 [píng diào]
  • (1) [transfer sth. gratis]∶指免费挪用所属单位的钱财、劳力等

  • 县政府平调了该厂二百万元

  • (2) [shave and transfer]∶一平二调的简称

  • 被平调走的资金达3亿元

平调[píng tiáo]
  1. 应用温补肾阳的药物,常选用阴阳平调之剂,从而达到阴中求阳的目的。

    Application of warming and recuperating kidney Yang drugs , often use flat regulation of agents of yin and Yang , so as to achieve the aim of seeking Yang in yin .

  2. 农村社会养老保险基金必须坚持专款专用的原则,任何部门、单位和个人都不得平调、挪用、截留;也不得使用基金直接投资以及拆借、抵押担保。

    Fund of rural society endowment insurance must hold to principle of special funds appropriative , any branches , unit and individual do not get flat regulation , divert , hold back ; also must not use fund direct investment and short-term loan , guaranty assures .

  3. 背景与目的:建立H22肝癌腹水瘤荷瘤小鼠模型,通过给予模型鼠平调饮灌胃评价其抗肿瘤作用。

    BACKGROUND & AIM : To establish a model of mouse hepatoma H22 and to study the effects of Pingtiaoyin on the tumor .

  4. 平调手台设备中发送FFSK信号的软件算法

    Software Arithmetic of Sending FFSK Signal in Portable Shunting Unit

  5. 平调肝脾法在治疗IBS-D肝郁脾虚型患者方面具有良好的临床疗效,其突出疗效与其组方严谨、切中病机有关。

    This method has a good clinical efficacy , its outstanding efficacy is related to its rigorous structure and stringent hit the pathogenesis .

  6. 第三部分:四平调艺术发展与民俗生活的融合。

    Part Three : Sipingdiao-art development and integration of folk life .

  7. 第二部分四平调的唱腔音乐。

    Part two : The musical tone of SiPing Diao .

  8. 请不要把音量电平调到高于失真点。

    The volume level should not be turned up to the point of distortion .

  9. 流域跨界水污染纠纷合作平调模型研究

    Study of Model of Cooperation and Reallocation of Transboundary Water Pollution Dissension of the River Valley

  10. 阿的平调节β-肾上腺素受体、膜磷脂代谢及预防热损伤的研究

    Preventive effect of quinacrine on the development of heat injury by stabilizing membrane phospholipids metabolism and β - adrenoceptor

  11. 任何单位和个人不得平调、挪用、滥用、截留、施欠养路费。

    No unit or individual should transfer , divert , abuse , keep or default on highway maintenance fees .

  12. 单音节词音高总体说来可以分成两类:降调和平调,以降调为主,因韵尾不同而有差异。

    The pitch of monosyllable word mainly includes two kinds , that is , falling tone and level tone .

  13. 体积小,成本低,易于区长台等其它平调设备集成安装。

    Fourth , small volume , low cost , easy to integrate with other level tracks devices such as district station .

  14. 平调调式是朝鲜族民歌中的主要调式之一,因此,对平调调式音阶的认识与了解,也就必然成为研究朝鲜族民族民间音乐的切入点。

    It becomes the key to study , since flat mode is one of the main modes of Korean folk music .

  15. 第三章为全文的核心章节,考察了平调、清调、瑟调的内涵实质。

    As a core section , the third chapter investigates the essence and connotation of Ping , Qing and Se tunes .

  16. 高安道情的唱腔音乐主要由《太平调》发展而成,它的发展经历了渔鼓道情、丝弦道情、戏曲道情三个阶段。

    Its aria music evaluated main from Taipingdiao , whose development experienced the three stages of bamboo drum Daoqing silk string Daoqing and drama Daoqing .

  17. 笔者通过艺人相传的口碑,分析研究了四平调的历史渊源,形成和发展,以及四平调的演出剧目。

    The author analyses its historical sources , shaping and development of the SiPing Diao Drama through some historical data and the performances of artists .

  18. 语体与外语教学此外还得出了普通话的半上实际是一个低平调的结论,并探明了普通话高平调(阴平)和低平调(半上)间存在连续感知。

    Speech register and English teaching Besides , we probe that Putonghua has two level tones , which are continuous perceived by high and low register .

  19. 另一类如上海话和矾山话的升调,所包含的两个直线调段只有后部升调段起辨调作用,前部平调段是调长的羡余特征。

    Another kind is like that in Shanghai and Fanshan , only the latter part of the real rising tone is functional in identification and discrimination .

  20. 其次,分析污染物削减指令配额管理体制的优缺点,建立流域跨界水污染纠纷合作平调模型。

    Advantage and disadvantage of management system of appointed quota of pollution reduction have been analyzed , and model of cooperation and reallocation is brought forward .

  21. 上周联合国和平调解人表示,叙利亚政府和反对派之间的谈判短时间内不可能继续。

    A United Nations ' peace mediator said last week , that talks between the Syrian government and the rebels are unlikely to continue any time soon .

  22. 以平调式为基础的朝鲜族民歌&朝鲜族民族音乐系列研究之二一个说朝鲜语的本地人或居民。

    Korean Folk Music Based on " Flat Mode " & Study of Korean Folk Music II ; a native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language .

  23. 声调中元音的鼻化度同单字音里呈现的结果基本是一致的,阴平调里元音的鼻化度是最大的,上声调是最低的。

    Tones of vowels in nasal degree with the single word appears in the results are basically consistent , Yin Ping tune where vowels nasal degree is the largest , the tone is the lowest .

  24. 凉山彝语共有四个声调,即高平调、次高调、中平调和低降调,这是本文研究全部内容。

    There are four tones that called high level tone and sub-high level tone and mid-level tone and low falling tone in Liangshan Yi language , which make up the total research content of this thesis .

  25. 大弦戏所流行的豫北地区除豫剧、大弦戏外还有大平调、落腔、四股弦、二夹弦等剧种,也均为板腔变化体。

    In north Henan area where popular with Da xian drama , except the Henan opera , there are Da ping tune , Luo cavity , four strings , two clamps string and so on , Which are also for board cavity change style .

  26. 在20世纪80年代,被派去战争打得如火如荼的萨尔瓦多和尼加拉瓜丛林担任和平调解员,运用她的美丽、魅力与机智,让每个将军和叛军都冷静下来听从道理。

    Back in the 1980s she had been sent into the El Salvadoran and Nicaraguan jungles during the height of war as a negotiator of peace , using her beauty and charm and wits to get all the generals and rebels to calm down and listen to reason .

  27. 近几年,金乡县开始重视保护传统文化,有重新发展壮大四平调的打算,作为金乡县的一个家人,笔者有责任和义务为家乡的艺术事业贡献一份自己微薄的力量。

    In recent years , Jinxiang has began to attach importance to the protection of traditional culture and planned to redevelop and strengthen siping tune . As a member of Jinxiang family , I have the responsibility and obligation to make my small contribution for the arts of my hometown .