
  • 网络Level crossing;intersection at grade
  1. 成都市道路十字形平面交叉口规划切角取值之管见

    Opinion on Value Obtained for the Planned Corner Cut at Chengdu Crisscross Road Intersection at Grade

  2. 平面交叉口汽车排放(CO)污染规律

    Study on Traffic Emission ( CO ) Pollution at Intersections

  3. 基于线性Coons曲面模型的平面交叉口立面设计方法

    Vertical design method of intersection based on bilinear Coons surface model

  4. 双线性Coons曲面在平面交叉口竖向设计中的应用

    Application of bilinear Coons surface to design of intersection

  5. 双线性Coons曲面辅助设计竖向平面交叉口技术探讨

    Study on bilinear coons surface in computer - aided design of street intersection

  6. 以车头时距为约束条件,提出在信号控制平面交叉口给予BRT车辆有条件信号优先。

    This paper outlines an intelligent concept for providing conditional priority to BRT vehicles at a signalized intersection according to their headways .

  7. 本文以机场CAD系统的核心模型中设计面Coons曲面模型为基础,尝试将这一模型应用于道路平面交叉口立面设计。

    Based on coons model in the core model of airport CAD system , the authors try to apply this model for the vertical design of at-grade intersections .

  8. 以线性Coons曲面模型为基础,研究了平面交叉口立面设计在线性Coons曲面模型上定义的基本运算和Coons曲面片的划分方法。

    This paper studied fundamental operations and dividing method of surface slices on the basis of bilinear Coons surface model for the vertical design of intersection .

  9. 提出以等待延误大小为约束条件在设置快速公交(BRT)专用进口道的十字平面交叉口给予BRT车辆有条件信号优先。

    The paper outlines an intelligent concept for providing conditional priority to bus rapid transit ( BRT ) vehicles at a signalized cross-intersection with BRT exclusive approaches according to their delays .

  10. 分析了目前平面交叉口竖向设计软件中存在的问题,阐述了基于Coons曲面模型的道路平面交叉口竖向设计软件的开发过程。

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in vertical design software of intersection , and illustrates the development process of the vertical design software of intersection based on the coons model .

  11. 渠化展宽式信号控制城市道路平面交叉口的探讨

    On Grade Crossing Control of City Road by Canalized Width Signal

  12. 城市道路平面交叉口通行能力的综合计算

    Integrative Calculation of Traffic Capacity on Grade Crossing of City Road

  13. 基于冲突的公路平面交叉口驾驶行为研究

    Research of Driving Behavior Based on Traffic Conflict at Highway Intersection

  14. 平面交叉口车流启动波的测量研究及其应用

    Measurement Research for Level Crossing Traffic Flow Starting Wave and its Application

  15. 基于知识库的平面交叉口多相位信号设计理论研究

    Research on Knowledge Based Grade Crossing Multi-phase Signal Design Theory

  16. 平面交叉口运行效率的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on Operational Efficiency of At & Grade Intersections

  17. 非传统平面交叉口方案的设计研究进展

    The Research Evolution of Unconventional At - Grade Intersection Design

  18. 中日道路平面交叉口设计通行能力计算方法比较

    The Comparison of the Calculation Methods for Traffic Capacity Design in Intersections

  19. 城市道路平面交叉口设计过程质量控制研究

    Study on Quality Control in Urban Road At-grade Intersection Design

  20. 城市道路平面交叉口安全评价指标的研究

    Study on safety evaluation index of intersection of city roadway

  21. 基于面向对象的平面交叉口动态交通仿真

    Dynamic Traffic Simulation of At-Grade Intersection Based on Object-Oriented

  22. 平面交叉口事故预测及突出事故形态鉴别

    Prediction of Accident at Level Crossing and Distinguishing of Protruding Accident 's Formation

  23. 平面交叉口公交优先信号设置方法研究

    Study on Bus Priority Signal Setting for Isolated Intersection

  24. 道路平面交叉口车辆违章右转弯行为识别研究

    Research on Identification of Peccant Right-Turning Behavior of Vehicles at Road Grade Crossing

  25. 平面交叉口信号相位设计专家系统理论框架研究

    Research on Theory Architecture of Signal Phasing with Expert System for At-grade Intersection

  26. 接入管理技术在公路平面交叉口安全设计中的应用

    Application of Access Management at Highway Intersection Safety Design

  27. 基于功能需求的城市道路平面交叉口空间设计方法研究

    Methods for Spatial Design of Urban Street at Intersections Based on Functional Requirements

  28. 国省干线道路平面交叉口设计的探讨

    Design of Provincial and National Main Roads Grade Crossing

  29. 城市道路平面交叉口改造的交通设计

    Transportation design of urban highway plane crossing transformation

  30. 平面交叉口是道路通行能力与交通安全上的卡口。

    At-grade intersection is a node of road ca - pacity and traffic safety .