
gān qī
  • Dry period;dry spell
干期[gān qī]
  1. 5个异常区极端干期长度均存在较明显的2~3a高频振荡;其次西北东南区存在明显的16a低频变化周期,而其他各区存在明显的8~11a低频变化周期。

    There is obvious 2 ~ 3 years high frequency cycle of extreme drought period in the 5 areas , 16 a and 8 ~ 11 a low frequency cycle in southeast of Northwest China and the other 4 areas , respectively .

  2. 冷干期有利于尘暴发生。

    Cold and dry periods are prone to triggering dust storms .

  3. 新疆干期长度研究

    Study on the dry duration in spring in Xinjiang

  4. 湍流通量在干湿期转换中有突变现象,干期的动量和热量通量均大于湿期,热源强度以感热为主,占80%。

    The sensible heat dominates in the dry period , making up 80 % of the total heating ;

  5. 并利用小波分析方法,分析了极端干期的周期性及突变的时间。结果表明:西北地区极端干期长度的气候平均分布与海拔高度及地理位置有较大的关系。

    The results show that there are close relationships between average distribution of extreme drought period and altitude , geographical location .

  6. 结果表明:近40多年来,宁夏大致经历了冷湿期、冷干期、暖干期;

    The results indicated that the climate of Ningxia has undergone the cold-wet period , the cold-dry period and the warm-dry period in recent 40 years ;

  7. 昌都干期的热源强度以感热为主(81%),潜热约占19%,湿期的热源强度有所增大;

    During the dry period , the sensible heat dominates , comprising 81 % of the heat intensity , with the other 19 % being latent heat ;

  8. 西北地区极端干期长度异常在空间上主要表现为整体一致型,其次表现为东西相反的变化趋势。

    The first load vector of extreme drought period variations has the characteristic of spatial consistency , and the second has adverse variation trend in east and west part .

  9. 不同气候型态下,极端干湿事件频率具有明显差异,冷干期极端干旱事件最多,极端湿润事件最少,冷湿期极端干旱频率最小,极端湿润频率最大。

    The frequency of extreme dry / wet events in Ningxia showed obvious differences among different climate types : more extreme dry events or less extreme wet events in cold-dry period , smaller arid frequency or larger humid frequency in cold-wet period .

  10. 利用年降水量和年均气温距平百分比累计分析表明,西峰气候变化可以分为凉干期、凉湿期、暖湿期和暖干期等四个阶段。

    The analysis on the accumulative anomaly of annual precipitation and temperature shows that there are four remarkable climate change stages , including cool and dry stage , cool and wet stage , warm and wet stage and warm and dry stage .

  11. 海南岛西部80年代为暖干期,90年代为暖湿期,近20年来海南岛西部气候呈增温增湿的变化趋势,并多次出现气候异常年份。

    According to the association of the temperature and the precipitation , we know that 1980s is the warm-dry period , but the 1990s is warm-humid period , the climatic variability trend is becoming warm-humid in the west of Hainan Island in recent 20 years .

  12. 本研究在面积为80m2的啤酒废水现场中型试验中,分别得出了淹水期入渗速率递减曲线和落干期入渗速率恢复曲线,它们可分别用指数方程和对数方程来表达。

    The decrease curve and recovery curve of infiltration rate in flooding and drying periods . are obtained from the in situ test with the area of 80 m2 and flooded with brewery waste water . The curves can be expressed with exponential and logarithmic equations respectively .

  13. 干奶期奶牛不同能量摄入对其肝脏胰岛素受体mRNA表达的影响

    Effect of Energy Intake Level on the Expression of IR mRNA in the Liver of Periparturient Cows

  14. 处理后60d,母牛平均产奶量以对干奶期6个月的母牛处理后为最高(P<0.05)。

    Two months later , milk yield of those cows that were at the sixth month of dry period was the highest ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 结果表明:(1)处于G0/G1期的乳腺上皮细胞比例最高,而S期细胞比例最低且随干奶期进程逐渐增加,但细胞周期各时相细胞比例间无显著性差异。

    The results showed : ( 1 ) GO / G1-phase fraction of mammary epithelial cell was the highest while S-phase fraction was the lowest and increased gradually . There was no significant difference in cell cycle distribution .

  16. 用大蒜延长兔肉干保质期的研究

    A Study on Shelf life Extension for Rabbit Meat Jerk , with Garlic

  17. 奶牛干乳期饲养管理技术商讨

    Discussion on Raising and Managing Technique for Cows in Non - lactation Period

  18. 奶牛干奶期饲养管理要点

    Practical Feeding and Management of Dry Cows

  19. 干奶期不同能量摄食对奶牛糖异生的影响

    The Effect of Different Energy Intake during the Dry Period on Glyconeogenesis in the Periparturient Cows

  20. 蒸发沉积阶段可以进一步分为盐湖和干盐湖期。

    The evaporation stage can further be subdivided into salt lake and dry salt lake phases .

  21. 干奶期为55-60天,当日增重为0.5-0.6公斤时对下胎产奶量和进食量有促进作用。

    The dry-period of 55-60 days with 0.5-0.6 daily gain was of benefit to the next lactation .

  22. 奶牛干奶期应用阴离子盐对瘤胃发酵、离子平衡和泌乳性能的影响

    Effect of Anionic Salts Added in Dry Cow Diets on Rumen Fermentation , Ionic Balance and Lactation Performance

  23. 干奶期不同能量摄入对围产期乳牛血液葡萄糖胰高血糖素和胰岛素浓度的影响

    Effect of different energy intakes on concentrations of glucose , glucagon and insulin in blood of periparturient dairy cows

  24. 干奶期不同能量水平对奶牛血中神经肽Y和生长激素浓度的影响

    Effect of Energy Intake during the Dry Period on Plasma Concentrations of Neuropeptide Y and Growth Hormone in Peripartum Diary Cows

  25. 说明干奶期低能饲喂奶牛,可以增强围产期奶牛的肝糖异生能力。

    The results demonstrate that the low energy diet during the dry period could improve the liver glyconeogenesis in the periparturient diary cows .

  26. 一定要在整个干奶期提供一个清洁的环境,达到最小的细菌污染,以帮助进一步减少新的感染的危险。

    Be sure to also provide a clean environment with minimal bacterial contamination throughout the dry period to help further reduce the risk of new infections .

  27. 凉干气候期,这一时期气候基本稳定,东亚季风对气候影响较大,但气温和降水都低于第一个气候稳定期。

    , the cool and dry stage , the climate kept stable and was influenced more by the East Asian monsoon with lower temperature and precipitation than that in the first stage .

  28. 干奶期高能饲喂奶牛,干物质摄入减少(达16%),产乳量下降(达15%),失重增加,能量负平衡加重;

    The cows fed with high energy diet during the dry period reduced 6 % of the dry matter intake ( DMI ) and 21 % of milk yields ( MY ) .

  29. 厌氧菌在隐性乳腺炎、干奶期乳腺炎和干奶期乳腺炎乳样的捡出率分别为5.82%,4.17%,10.16%;

    The anaerobe inspection rates in lactating clinical mastitis , subclinical mastitis and dry milk cows clinical mastitis milk samples were 5 . 82 % , 4 . 17 % and 10 . 16 % respectively .

  30. 5种差异蛋白质均在高泌乳水平奶牛乳腺组织中表达量最高,低泌乳水平奶牛次之,干奶期奶牛乳腺组织中表达量最低。

    These differentially expressed proteins had the highest expression level in high lactation level dairy cows , the secondly expression level in low lactation level dairy cows , and the lowest expression level in dry period cows .