
  • chilli;dried chilli;Chili
  1. 采购:大豆,干辣椒,脱水香菇,脱水水果,脱水蔬菜,干制鱼类,冷冻水果,冷冻蔬菜,冷冻鱼类。

    Buy : soy beans , chilli , dried shitake , dried fruits , dried vegetables , dried fish , frozen fruits , frozen vegetables , frozen fish .

  2. 研究了乙醇浸提法从干辣椒中提取辣椒素的最佳工艺条件。

    The optimum process of extracting capsaicin from chilli with ethanol was studied .

  3. 将干辣椒放在烧热的平底锅里煸至微焦。

    Toast the dried chillies in a hot pan until they start to singe .

  4. 显而易见,即使经过加工被制成了粉末状,对你的身体来说,辣椒的作用还是杠杠的,干辣椒面的维生素E含量仍然超过菠菜。

    Apparently though , chilies are so damn healthy that , even when you process the hell out of them and put them into an inferior powdered form , they 've still got more vitamin E in them than spinach .

  5. 研究了利用微波能萃取干辣椒中辣椒素的新方法。

    Microwave extraction of capsaicin from dried red capsicum was studied .

  6. 干辣椒数量性状相关遗传力的通径分析

    Path analysis of correlative heritability of quantitative traits of hot pepper

  7. 制干辣椒若干数量性状遗传研究

    A Study on Genetic Correlation Variations of Multiple Quantitative Characters in Drying Pepper

  8. 一种温和的粉末状调味品,由干辣椒制成。

    A mild powdered seasoning made from dried pimientos .

  9. 那农夫把干辣椒串起一串,挂在墙上。

    The farmer strung the dry peppers together and hung on the wall .

  10. 干辣椒品种果实品质的灰色关联评估及相关分析

    Evaluation on Fruit Quality of Hot Pepper by Grey Relational Coefficient and Correlative Analysis

  11. 一个简单的泰式咖喱酱由干辣椒,葱和虾酱。

    A simple Thai curry paste consists of dried chillies , shallots and shrimp paste .

  12. 干辣椒地方品种资源花粉形态研究

    Pollen Morphology of Local Chilli Resources

  13. 干辣椒地方品种的聚类分析

    Cluster analysis of hot pepper varieties

  14. 采购:绿豆,芝麻,干辣椒,粟,大豆,红芸豆。

    Buy : Mung beans , Sesame , Dry chilli , Millet , soybean , Red kidney bean .

  15. 为选育品质优良的干辣椒新品种,对21个干辣椒品种果实的综合品质进行了灰色关联与相关分析。

    To select high quality hot pepper varieties , fruit quality of 21 hot pepper varieties is evaluated by grey relational coefficient and correlative analysis .

  16. 一位男子经营着从祖父和父亲传下来的生意,出售孜然、干辣椒、松子和杏仁。

    One man operates a business once owned by his father and grandfather . He sells cumin , dried peppers , pine nuts and almonds .

  17. 采购:南瓜子,松果,花生,脱水胡萝卜,绿豆,干辣椒,荞麦,葵花籽。

    Buy : pumpkin seeds , pine nut , peanut , dehydrated carrots , mung beans , dried chilli , buckwheat in shell , sunflower seeds .

  18. 土豆颜色炸得很深,表面粗糙不平地附着着用孜然粒、干辣椒、花椒、盐,甚至有可能还有味精混合而成的干香辛料。

    They are dark and ragged with a dry spice mix of coarsely ground cumin , roasted dried chiles , Sichuan peppercorns , salt and maybe MSG .

  19. 我在当地市场购买干辣椒和肉桂,然后又去茶室流连,藉此消磨了几个小时。但是游客前往康提一般主要有三个去处。

    I killed a couple of hours gathering up dried peppers and cinnamon at the local market and wandering through the tearooms & but really , one comes to Kandy for three principal reasons .

  20. “左宗棠鸡”的做法是将鸡块先捶打,后油炸,再浇上一层浓郁的酸甜酱汁。这种酱汁由酱油、米酒、白醋、糖、玉米粉和干辣椒制成。

    The chicken chunks , battered and deep fried , are often covered with a thick sweet and sour sauce seasoned with soy sauce , rice wine , rice wine vinegar , sugar , cornstarch and dried red chili peppers .

  21. 干用辣椒RAPD-PCR反应体系正交优化的研究

    Orthogonal Optimization For RAPD-PCR Reaction System Of Dry Peppers

  22. 特制的板面加上自制辣椒的干捞辣椒板面。

    The special Dry Chili Pan Mee with home made chili .

  23. 莱椒2号(01066)是一个适合加工专用的干制辣椒抗病新品系。

    Laijiao No.2 ( 01066 ) is a special resistant new line for dry-capsicum process .

  24. 但是,日本人是研究出专门的辣椒减肥食品,并不是像你所想的,干啃辣椒。

    But , japanese is to excogitate special chili to reduce weight food , be not thought like you , dry gnaw chili .

  25. 干鲜两用辣椒新品种辛香4号的选育

    A New Hybrid Hot Pepper Variety Xinxiang 4 for Both Dry and Fresh Fruit Production

  26. 辛香4号是经多年定向选育的干鲜两用辣椒品种。

    Xinxiang 4 is a new hot pepper hybrid variety for both dry and fresh fruit production bred by the company .

  27. 菜肴:辣子鸡是将酥脆的鸡胸脯块与干胡椒、芝麻和干辣椒一同翻炒,从而做出一盘子火辣辣红彤彤的美味。

    The dish : La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercorn , toasted sesame and dried bird 's-eye chilis to create a plate of hot , red deliciousness .