
ɡuō zhuānɡ
  • Tibetan folk dance
  1. 我跟大牛又要加入到锅庄的队伍当中去了。

    Daniel and I are going to join the Guozhuang dance there .

  2. 第三章“校园锅庄的音乐和舞蹈”:描述了中央民族大学“校园锅庄”的音乐和舞蹈,并对音乐、舞蹈相互影响的关系进行了探析。

    Chapter III : The music and dance of'Campus Guozhuang ' , which focuses on the relationship between Guozhuang music and dance and described each other separately .

  3. 从西宁市居民参加全民健身来看,锅庄舞是各民族普遍喜欢的大众健身娱乐活动,锅庄舞的效果十分显著独特。

    From the fact that the many residents in Xining city take part in bodybuilding activities , we can see that " folk dance " is popular among all nationalities , and its unique effects are notable .