
  1. 新型密封技术在锅炉辅机设备上的应用

    Application of New Sealing Technique in Auxiliary Mechanical Devices of Boilers

  2. 工业锅炉辅机常见故障的处理和预防

    Handling and Preventing of Familiar Failture of Industrial Boilers Auxiliary Equipments

  3. 一种特殊锅炉辅机噪声的治理

    Treatment For a Special Kind Noise of Boiler

  4. 锅炉辅机轴承箱漏油原因及治理方法分析

    Cause analysis of oil leakage from bearing boxes of Boiler Auxiliaries and remedial method thereof

  5. 对锅炉辅机三大系统的主要设备模块运用机理建模得到合适的数学模型。

    The right mathematic models of boiler auxiliary three systematic equipment modules are built , applied mechanism to modeling .

  6. 企业自备热电站锅炉辅机变频调速改造的建议

    The suggestion on the Reconstruction of Variable Frequency Control Velocity System for the Auxiliary Machines in a Coal-fired Boiler of Standby Thermal Stations

  7. 本文对炉排铸件的质量、生产及其在环境保护中的作用作了阐述,对我国锅炉辅机行业的铸造生产现状及存在问题进行了分析,并对炉排铸件的造型工艺及设备选择提出了建议。

    The quality and manufacture of grate castings and effect on the environmental protection have been dis-cussed . Status quo and existing problems of foundry of Chinese boiler and supplement equipment industry have been anal-ysed with proposal for selection of molding process and equipment for grate castings .

  8. 浅析电厂锅炉主要辅机保护条件的优化相关问题

    Analysis of auxiliary boilers to protect the conditions of the main issues related to the optimization

  9. 某热电厂UG-1303.82-M4型煤粉锅炉由于辅机设备达不到设计参数,影响锅炉机组安全经济运行。

    The substandard design parameters of auxiliary equipment hindered the safe and efficient operation of UG 130 / 3.82-M4 coal powder boiler .

  10. 所以,通过合理有效的无损检测手段对锅炉主辅机及其零部件的制造、安装及定期检验来对其质量进行控制,以期降低事故率,保证其安全运行具有很大的意义。

    How to choose reasonable and effective inspection methods in the manufacture , installation and period inspection to guarantee the quality is very important .

  11. 在设计及现场实践的基础上,以供热锅炉及辅机的特性和测定资料为依据,讨论了供热锅炉房普遍存在的几个问题。

    Based upon site practice and depended on the characters and measurement data of boiler and its auxiliary attachment the problems widely existed in heat supply boiler rooms are discussed .

  12. 简述桂林电厂以大代小技改工程采用135MW汽轮机后,引起的设计问题的解决过程,如锅炉配套、辅机选型、运行实效、改进方案等

    This paper makes a brief introduction to the solving of problems resulting from the using of 135 MW steam turbine , such as the auxiliary equipment of boiler , type selection of auxiliary unit , actual operation effect and the improved schemes , etc

  13. 2028t/h亚临界控制循环锅炉本体及其辅机节能研究

    Research of Energy Saving of 2028t / h Subcritical Control Cycle Boiler and Its Auxiliary

  14. 介绍了75t/h循环流化床煤泥锅炉本体、辅机的技改经验,改造后锅炉的出力、热效率达到设计值,并且减少了对空预器和省煤器的磨损,循环倍率得到提高;

    Technical modification for 75t / h circulating fluidized-bed boiler of coal slurry was introduced in this paper . After technical modification , the boiler output power and thermal efficiency achieved the one expected with a reduction of wear attrition to boiler surface and increase of circulating ratio .

  15. 可编程序控制器的高压锅炉管超声波探伤辅机中的应用

    Apply PLC to ultrasonic inspection auxiliary machinery for seamless tube and pipe for igh press boiler

  16. 生产锅炉配件、锅炉底座辅机、锅炉炉排、炉门、轴承座、齿轮等锅炉配件!

    Production of boiler accessories , boiler auxiliary base , the boiler grate , door , bearing , gears and other boiler accessories !

  17. 在火力发电厂中,位于锅炉尾部的引风机是锅炉辅机中大型的回转设备之一,其运行状况的好坏直接关系到电厂的安全、经济运行。

    In the power plant , the fan is a large rotating equipment , its performance is directly related to the safety , economic operation of power plant .

  18. 通过分析一台蔗渣锅炉发生烟气爆炸事故的前因及后果,阐述锅炉配套辅机设计选型方面的重要性。

    To analysed and dispose a bagasse boiler smoke bursting , set forth the importance of the equipment assort with boiler .