
  • 网络marketing network
  1. 完善市场营销网络,打造昌黎红酒名牌;

    Perfect the marketing network and create the famous red-wine brands of ChangLi ;

  2. “诚实守信,互惠共赢”的商业原则,使药友与商业客户携手共进,构筑了强大的市场营销网络;

    The business principle of " honesty and faithfulness , mutual benefit and win-win " lets Yaoyou develop with customers to build strong marketing network .

  3. 公司致力于国际市场营销网络的建设。

    International Marketing is developed on the basis of international trade .

  4. 黑龙江绿色食品市场营销网络研究

    Study the Marketing Network of Green Food in Heilongjiang

  5. 农资企业市场营销网络的建设研究

    Study on Marketing Network of the Agribusiness

  6. 体育市场营销网络的构建

    Report on establishment of sports marketing network

  7. 附加章节涵盖多级市场营销网络,信息和产品牌,行销于互联网。

    Additional chapters cover multilevel-network marketing , information and product licensing , and marketing on the Internet .

  8. 上海康乐生物技术有限公司建立了较完善的市场营销网络和风险控制体系,具有广泛的市场资源和良好的客户关系。

    Shanghai Hale-health Biotechnology Company Ltd has established perfect market selling network and risk control system , owned extensive market resource and good client relation .

  9. 要改变这一状况必须加大对科研的投入,不断开发新产品,建立健全的市场营销网络;

    To change this situation , we shall increase the investment in scientific research , incessantly develop now products and set up a healthy marketing and sales network .

  10. 目前黑龙江省农产品流通存在的主要问题,一是信息不畅通的问题,二是市场营销网络不健全的问题。

    At present , there are two main problems in the circulation of agricultural products , one is the information is blocked and the other is the marketing network is imperfect .

  11. 要解决这两个主要问题,建议采用网络化的手段,既要充分利用现代电子信息技术,又要全面建设农产品市场营销网络。

    The networked means are advised to solve these two problems , which means the modern electric technology should be accepted and the marketing net of agricultural products should be structured overall .

  12. 发挥服装业绝对优势的同时,不断完善服装的产品结构,创建我们自己的品牌和市场营销网络,倡导企业联合优化;

    Maintaining our clothes ' absolute advantage , we should perfect clothes ' product composition , create our own brand and market sale system , propose enterprises ' combination and better reformation ;

  13. Internet的发展和应用,改变了传统的营销环境,企业的营销方式从传统的市场营销转向网络营销。

    With the development and application of Internet , the circumstance of traditional marketing changed ; the manner of marketing turned from traditional marketing to e - marketing .

  14. 旅游市场营销;网络营销;绿色营销;品牌营销。

    Tourist market marketing ; Network marketing ; Green marketing ; Brand marketing .

  15. 旅游目的地市场营销的网络游戏化

    Using On-line Game Principles to Tourist Destination Marketing

  16. 在文献综述中,主要讲述了市场营销与网络营销基本概念及网络营销的相关研究成果。

    In the literature review , it is mainly the concepts and related research results about marketing and e-marketing .

  17. 为确保发展战略方案的有效实施,文中还就广州电信光传输网的市场营销、网络运行建设、组织管理作了重点论述。

    To effectively achieve the strategy goal , the paper illustrates the marketing , the operation , and the organization in depth .

  18. 公司经营优势主要体现在品牌、市场营销和服务网络、技术创新等方面。

    The business advantages of the company are mainly reflected as brand , marketing , service network and technical innovation etc.

  19. 在垄断制度下,烟草行业不断提高自身经营能力和发展水平,在控制卷烟市场、扩大营销网络等方面取得了一定成效。

    Under the monopoly system , the tobacco industry has achieved a certain degree of success in controlling cigarette market and enlarging marketing network , by constantly improving its management ability .

  20. 网络营销,也就是依托电子商务在网络环境下的一种市场营销活动,网络环境下的市场营销渠道相比传统营销环境要求企业转变管理和经营观念。

    Network marketing , which is based on e-commerce in a network environment , marketing , network marketing environment compared to traditional marketing channels business environment requires airlines to change the conception in the management and operation .

  21. 市场营销理念和销售网络体系在不断提高和完善;

    The market idea and selling network are improving and completing constantly ;

  22. 网络营销控制是网络管理的重要内容,开展网络市场营销活动必须有网络运转的有效控制作保证。

    The Cyber marketing control is important in the Cyber management and its development must be guaranteed by the efficient control of the Cyber operation .

  23. 公司自成立之日起,便注重全球市场的销售,营销网络覆盖全球。

    Since the establishment , the company has paid attention to the sales in global market , and the marketing networks cover the whole world .

  24. 近年来,宁夏中部干旱带特色产业规模不断扩大,市场不断扩展,营销网络逐步建立,发展势头强劲,已经成为当地农民增收的支柱产业。

    In recent years , the industry scale is enlarged , the market is extended , the sale system is built , the development is very fast on special products and it is becoming a main industry for increasing farmers ' income in the middle dry area of Ningxia .

  25. 以客户为中心,坚持“市场第一,客户至上”的营销理念,建立了遍布全球的市场营销网络。

    Accessory takes customers as its center , persists in the business principles of " Customers and markets come first . " and has established global marketing network .