
  1. 市场内部化的历史启示&从英美公司在近代中国的经销方式看现代企业制度

    Historical Enlightenment from Inner Market ── The Sale Method of US and UK Corporations in China During Modern Times and Contemporary Institutions of Firms

  2. 基于以上分析,我们认为跨国公司的全球经营战略涉及两个方面:其一是利用其子公司网络而形成的将全球市场内部化的过程;

    As a conclusion , we take that MNCs ' global strategy come down to two aspects : On one hand , internalizing global market with their subsidiary companies systems ;

  3. 母子公司是大公司(企业集团)形成与发展的基础,是所有大公司在发展过程中必然面临与必须妥善处理的一种市场内部化的公司关系。

    Content : Parent-subsidiary Corporation is the basement of development of the enterprise group , also a relationship inside with market , which should be treated carefully during the process of the development of big companies .

  4. 文章分析了我国集群型企业所面临的人力资源现状,从管理弹性、外部市场内部化和个性化三个层面提出了其整合管理的思路。

    The article analyzes the status of human resources that enterprises in cluster faced , and puts forward the thought of integration management on three dimensions : management flexibility , internalization of the external market and personality .

  5. 主要理论有市场内部化理论、市场交易化理论等。本文以垄断优势理论、比较优势理论、产品生命周期理论、国际生产折衷理论、内部化理论为理论基础,对我国海外投资进行实证分析。

    This article is based on the monopoly advantage theory , the comparison advantage theory , the productive life cycle theory , the international productive compromised theory , and the inner theory , analyzes the oversea investment of our country with the ways of substantial evidence .

  6. 其次,围绕交易费用分析了企业以纵向兼并、横向兼并和混合兼并的途径实现市场交易内部化,虽然增强了市场垄断力,但可以节约资源,提高配置效率;

    Next , to encircle the transaction , this dissertation analyses the vertical integration , transverse integration and mixed integration , which realizes the internal trade-off instead of market transaction .

  7. 要解决技术壁垒需要在共同市场内部进行标准化。

    To resolve technical barriers , being standardized within the Common Market is needed .

  8. 分列从交易成本、市场机制与内部化以及价格形成机制等方面,探讨了电子市场对经济活动组织方式的影响。

    It analyzes the effect on economic activities from E-market from the aspects of transaction cost , market mechanism and price mechanism .

  9. 关于外部市场化,内部紧密化经营机制的探讨

    Probing to Managerial Mechanism of " Externally Market , Internal Compact "

  10. 金融资本对利润追求的本性、金融市场一体化的发展、跨国公司(银行)市场内部化的发展和计算机网络技术的进步使混业经营在金融全球化背景下成为了一种趋势。

    Comprehensive operating model a tendency against the background of financial globalization because of profit chasing nature of financial capital , the development of financial integration , market internalization of transnational companies and banks and the promotion of computer and network technology .

  11. 森林认证作为市场机制的含义是指森林认证是林产品生产和消费者的外部性通过市场内部化的一个过程,同时森林认证是以市场为驱动的机制;

    Forest certification , as a market-based mechanism , means that it is a process to internalize environmental externalities through prices and that also means that forest certification is driven by market incentives ;