
  • 网络market economy;market economic system
  1. 在市场经济制度逐步建立和不断完善过程中,尤其是我国加入WTO之后,国营企业面临着一个全新的社会经济环境。

    In the course of building and perfecting our market economy system , especially after China entered WTO , state-owned corporation faces one bran-new society economy environment .

  2. 市场经济制度与住房社会权利保护

    The Market Economy System and the Protection of Social Rights in Housing

  3. 二是社会主义市场经济制度不完善;

    Second , undere loped market - oriented economy of socialism ;

  4. 市场经济制度:经济发展的首要因素

    Chief element of economic development : market economy system

  5. 市场经济制度的层次性及改革次序

    Institution hierarchy of market economy and orderly of reform

  6. 论混合所有制占主体的市场经济制度

    On the System of Market Economy With the Composite Ownership as the Main Body

  7. 完善市场经济制度;

    Perfect the system of market economy ;

  8. 在市场经济制度完善的条件下,文化环境对投资的影响取决于投资对文化环境的敏感性和适应性。

    The essay holds that there is an important influence between social cultural environment and investment .

  9. 注册会计师审计是完善市场经济制度中遴选机制的一部分。

    The role of CPA acts as part of selecting mechanism in the perfect market-oriented economy .

  10. 依法治市是实现依法治国的中间环节,发达的市场经济制度是实行依法治市的经济前提;

    Governing the city by law is a middle link of governing the country by law .

  11. 试论我国在市场经济制度形成中的动因与阻力

    A Tentative Study of the Motivations and Resistances in the forming of Chinese Market Economy System

  12. 典权修正后,在社会主义市场经济制度下将会有更大的发展空间,发挥更大的作用。

    The amended pawn right system will play a greater role in the socialist market economic system .

  13. 在市场经济制度下,企业必须根据市场经济的基本原则来经营。

    Under the market economy system , enterprises must be managed according the basic market economic principles .

  14. 在完善的社会主义市场经济制度下,市场经济规律发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In a perfect socialist market economic system , economy rules are playing an increasingly important role .

  15. 健全的风险防范制度。美国信用消费制度建设,对完善社会主义市场经济制度具有一定的借鉴意义。

    We can use the experiences of the construction of the credit system in America for our reference .

  16. 通过分析我国目前企业体育在市场经济制度下存在的不足,找出原因。

    The author analyzes the problems existed in sports in our enterprise and finds the reasons for them .

  17. 传统外部性理论是人们在对自由市场经济制度的缺陷进行反思的基础上诞生的。

    Traditional Externality theory was born on the background of that people reflected the defect of free market system .

  18. 同时市场经济制度的发展也关乎着农村剩余劳动力的转移。

    And the development of the system of market economy is also about the transfer of rural surplus labor .

  19. 中国的计划制度曾发挥过历史性的重大作用,但最终不得不让位于市场经济制度。

    Planned economy gave play to historical great function , but finally have to make way for market economy .

  20. 而作为市场经济制度中重要组成部分的公司治理模式,必然也会相应的发生改变。

    As an important system in the market economic system , model of corporate governance must be changed accordingly .

  21. 注册会计师通过履行其经济鉴证功能,从而确立其在市场经济制度中的重要地位。

    The certified public accountant plays an important role in the market economy system by fulfilling his economic evaluation function .

  22. 此外,为适应社会主义市场经济制度,传统的政府管理模式逐渐向服务型政府转变。

    Furthermore , the government management model is changing from traditional to services to adapting to the socialist market economy .

  23. 随着市场经济制度的完善,地方政府的市场性行为将逐步弱化。

    In the wake of perfecting market economy system , the local governments ' behavior with market nature will be weakened .

  24. 在社会主义市场经济制度下,国家财产权与非国家财产权的地位应当是平等的。

    Under the socialist market economic system , the national property rights and the status of the non-national property rights should be equal .

  25. 因此,进一步完善市场经济制度,通过区域发展战略的调整以及国家政策的倾斜,来加快落后地区的发展,以期缩小区域发展的差距。

    Therefore , it is better to perfect the market economic system and to adjust regional development strategy so that the difference may be reduced .

  26. 制度变迁的内容包括推动市场经济制度完善、加强行政管理体制改革和促进社会体制健全。

    Content of the system vicissitude includes impelling the market economic system 's consummation , strengthening the administration organizational reform and promoting social system 's perfection .

  27. 改革和完善相关制度,包括就业准入制度、户籍制度、市场经济制度和社会保障制度等。

    Reform relevant systems , including the employment enters system , the household register system , the market economy system and the social security system , etc.

  28. 可以说,俄罗斯在为建立市场经济制度所进行的改革比俄历史上的任何一场变革付出的代价都大,疼痛的时间都长。

    It can be said that , Russia had paid the rice and spended time in establishing market economy system than any Historical period of Russian .

  29. 最后得出了主要结论,即腐败现象对我国市场经济制度和经济发展造成了破坏性影响,必须进行打击;

    Finally , it draws some main conclusions , that is , the corruption damages our country 's market economic system and it must be beaten .

  30. 福山的观点对于我国经济的现代转型,尤其在建立以诚信为准则的市场经济制度建设中,具有重要的理论指导和现实意义。

    No doubts , his view can be used for reference in China as guidelines to set up its trust-oriented market economy system , theoretically and realistically .