
  • 网络Municipal Square;Piazza della Signoria;Plaza Mayor
  1. 现代城市政务中心区的市政广场

    The Municipal Square in the Centre Governmental District of Modern Time

  2. 该项目为青龙县市政广场。

    The project is named as " Qinglong County Civic Square " .

  3. 一个戴面具的人杀气腾腾地闯进了市政广场。

    A masked man ran amok in the town square .

  4. 城市广告与市政广场的审美关系

    Relationship between City Advertisements and Municipal Public Square from the Perspective of Aesthetics

  5. 沙县市政广场设计

    The City Square Design , Sha Xian

  6. 谈市政广场的复合化设计

    On Complex Design of Municipal Square

  7. 延续市政广场(一期工程),创造优美的大地艺术,整体与龙形绿化带相呼应;

    It is a continuation of Municipal Plaza ( first phase ), to create a beautiful earth art echoing the dragon-shaped green belt ;

  8. 市政广场与政治体制之间相互作用,相互影响的辩证关系一直贯穿在中西方政治性广场的演变历程当中。

    The dialectical relation between Municipal Square and political system has always been running through the evolving progress of western and eastern squares .

  9. 受其影响,市政广场的空间形态正在呈现出新的特征:诸如多元化、人性化、地方化和生态化等等。

    Influenced by this transition , Chinese Municipal Squares are showing new characteristics , such as pluralism , humanization and an emphasis on ecology .

  10. 以人为本、结合自然、与城市整体协调是市政广场规划设计的理念。

    Taking human being as essential , being harmonious with nature and the city pattern are the elementary theories in the planning of Wuzhou government plaza .

  11. 这一市政广场的精妙之处在于结合了节能与节水设计,营造出新州最佳可持续发展都市社区。

    The Town Square is striking for its combination of energy and water efficient design principles which have created one of the most sustainable urban communities in NSW .

  12. 市政广场一直是现代城市中重要的公共空间,承载着最为复杂的社会关系,其中政治形态对于其空间形态的影响是决定性的。

    Municipal Square has long been an important public space in modern cities , which carries the most complicated social relationships ; its spatial patterns are definitively influenced by the corresponding political patterns .

  13. 梧州市政中心广场规划设计

    IT Planning for the Municipal Management The planning of Wuzhou government plaza

  14. 城市的追求&江西横峰市政中心广场设计

    Pursuit of the City & Designing the Municipal Centre Square in Hengfeng , Jiangxi Province

  15. 本文围绕一个核心、二根轴线、三条舞带的创作构思,探讨具有地域性、时代性和文化性的宜人的梧州市政中心广场的规划设计方法。

    Focusing on the conception of one core , two axises and three ribbons for dance , this paper introduces the planning of Wuzhou goverment plaza , which reflects the local characteristics , the epoch and the culture property .

  16. 医院、市政大楼、广场等照明场所:长寿命、免维护。

    Hospital , government building , plaza and other lighting places : long life span and maintenance free .

  17. 市政大厅是广场北边的一幢高大的白色建筑物-你决不会搞错的。

    The Town Hall is the large white building on the north side of the square – there 's no mistaking it .

  18. 水泥砼路面是现代公路、市政道路和城市广场中广泛采用的一种刚性路面。

    Cement concrete pavement is one of the rigid pavements which is widely used in modern highway , city road and urban square .

  19. 市政会在市区广场建造了一座精致的纪念馆,而当地报纸却严厉地批评说,他们把纳税者的钱花在累赘的珍品上了。

    The council had built an elaborate memorial in the town square and the local press severely criticized them for spending rate payers 's money on a white elephant .