
  • Garcia;【人名】Garsia
  1. 他轻松战胜了星期六击败厄尼·埃尔斯的加西亚。

    He easily overcame Garcia , Saturday 's conqueror of Ernie Els

  2. 加西亚总统已经下令空运食品、药物和毛毯。

    President Garcia has ordered an airlift of food , medicines and blankets .

  3. 1987年,加西亚立法将秘鲁银行业和金融系统收归国有。

    In 1987 , Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru 's banking and financial systems

  4. 加西亚说这位《温柔的杀戮》里的明星与《people》谈论了各种各样的话题,从孩子和假期到政治的所有事情。

    Garcia says that the Killing Them Softly star talked to PEOPLE about a range of topics – everything from the kids and the holidays , to politics .

  5. 美国检察官迈克尔•加西亚(MichaelGarcia)称,该团伙利用两个主要内幕信息来源牟利。

    The ring capitalized on two key sources of inside information , according to US Attorney Michael Garcia .

  6. 加西亚说这位《温柔的杀戮》里的明星与《people》谈论了各种各样的话题,从孩子和假期到政治的所有事情。”更不用说他关于即将进入“知命之年”的想法。

    Garcia says that the Killing Them Softly star " talked to PEOPLE about a range of topics - everything from the kids and the holidays , to politics . " Not to mention his thoughts on turning the big 5-0 .

  7. 欧康纳还补充道,足球明星雷吉•怀特就是死于此症,感恩而死乐队(GratefulDead)的主唱杰瑞•加西亚也是死于此症引起的并发症。

    Football player Reggie white died of the condition and Jerry Garcia , the lead singer of the grateful dead , died of complications caused by it , he added .

  8. 考古学家阿尔蒙德纳·加西亚-卢比奥(AlmudenaGarcía-Rubio)说,“没有确凿的基因证据,”尽管他们已经做过DNA检测。

    Almudena Garc í a-Rubio , an archaeologist , said that there was " no confirmed genetic identification , " although DNA tests were being performed .

  9. 每当秋季来临的时候,尼娜•加西亚(NinaGarcia)总要穿梭于纽约、米兰和巴黎时装周,整整四周、每天16个小时总是从早忙到晚。

    Nina Garcia typically kicks off fall with four weeks of16-hour days during the New York , Milan and Paris fashion weeks .

  10. 该爆料人叫安东尼奥•加西亚•马丁内斯,在马克•扎克伯格的社交网络公司Facebook工作两年后被解雇。离开公司后,他著书和盘托出了在硅谷工作生活的种种细节,并对Facebook给出了一系列耸人听闻的说法。

    Antonio Garcia Martinez , who was fired after two years at Mark Zuckerberg 's social network , has made a series of sensational claims about the company in a tell-all book about life in Silicon Valley .

  11. 为什么维克多•哈拉(VictorJara)与加布里埃尔•加西亚•马尔克斯(GabrielGarcíaMárquez)最终会认为为集体主义斗争是值得的?

    How did Victor Jara or Gabriel Garc í a M á rquez wind up thinking it worthwhile to fight for collectivism ?

  12. 按照法国格勒诺布尔商学院(GrenobleGraduateSchoolofBusiness)院长兼教导主任圣地亚哥.加西亚(SantiagoGarcia)的说法,比起就读其他硕士课程的学生,MBA学生在选择就学地点时更有可能考虑在留学国家工作的问题。

    According to Santiago Garcia , dean and director of Grenoble Graduate School of Business , MBA students are more likely to choose where to study with an eye to working in that country than those taking masters courses .

  13. 埃克特的结论源于美国前检察官迈克尔•J•加西亚(MichaelJ.Garcia)的一份调查报告。加西亚对国际足联执行委员会在2010年12月选择2018年和2022年东道主的投票所引发的腐败指控进行了调查。

    Mr Eckert 's conclusions stem from an investigation by former US attorney Michael J. Garcia into corruption claims surrounding the vote by Fifa 's executive committee in December 2010 to choose the 2018 and 2022 hosts .

  14. 莉斯?加西亚(LizGarcia)通过电子邮件接受采访时说,一年前,当她发现同居男友劈腿后,她把他赶了出去,把朋友请过来,在外面点了堆火。

    After Liz Garcia caught her live-in boyfriend cheating on her a year ago , she kicked him out , invited her friends over and built a bonfire , she said in an email interview .

  15. 加西亚介绍,Carvana公司首批卖出的100辆二手车在客户中的满意度很高,预示了光明的前景。

    Garcia did say that the first hundred vehicles sold by Carvana reflect what he called a " promising " trend of high satisfaction among buyers .

  16. Carvana的首席执行官欧尼o加西亚强调,他们没有在黑色星期五之前两周提价,然后再在活动期间降回原价。

    Carvana CEO Ernie Garcia stressed that Carvana wasn 't raising prices for two weeks before Black Friday and then cutting prices back down to what they were originally .

  17. 背景调查上说他和加西亚是兼职警卫。

    Background check says he and Garcia were part-time janitors .

  18. 根据国家安全局的记载,加西亚是个不错的黑社会伯乐。

    According to NSA , Garcia 's a reputed underworld talent scout .

  19. 警方此前认定祖尼加是加西亚的女友。

    Police earlier identified Zuniga as Garcia Urquizar 's girlfriend .

  20. 加西亚将军已死,但有其他的加西亚领袖。

    General Garcia is dead now , but there are other Garcias .

  21. 我叫凯西?弗林,这是杰克?加西亚。

    My name is Kathy flynn , and this is Jack garcia .

  22. 保罗:你一定会喜欢班和杰瑞的樱桃加西亚。

    Paul : You 'll love Ben and Jerry 's Cherry Garcia .

  23. 加西亚:是的,奥提兹将是击败梅威瑟的第一人。

    Danny Carcia : yes , he is going be the first one .

  24. 加西亚效应是专门针对,味道和恶心的感觉的。

    The Garcia effect is that this is special to taste and nausea .

  25. 加西亚喜爱看电视,大多看肥皂剧和卡通片,偶尔也看看新闻。

    Gracia likes watching television-mostly soaps and cartoons , but sometimes the news .

  26. 由于加西亚效应,我对希腊烈酒产生了强烈的厌恶感。

    And so , through the Garcia effect I developed a strong aversion .

  27. 邮件和电报都到不了加西亚将军那里。

    No mail nor telegraph message could reach him .

  28. 现在加西亚和姑姑住在一起并且可以上学了。

    Now , Gracia lives with her aunt and can afford school fees .

  29. 加西亚为此受到轻伤但已康复。

    Garcia was treated for minor injuries and released .

  30. 他们找来了罗恩,让他给加西亚将军送一封信。

    Rowan was sent for and given a letter to be delivered to Garcia .