
  • 网络CALAIS;Boulogne-Calais
  1. 我们从多佛尔横渡到加来。

    We crossed from Dover to Calais .

  2. 渡船公司加开了从加来出发的航班。

    Ferry companies are providing extra sailings from Calais

  3. 他将参加伦敦至加来的航海往返赛。

    He will be competing in the London-Calais-London race

  4. 返回加来时,由于道路施工,我们乘坐的长途大巴严重误点。

    As we headed back to Calais , the coach was badly delayed by roadworks

  5. 一个模糊的灰影出现在地平线上。那里一定是加来,法伊心想。

    A grey smudge appeared on the horizon . That must be Calais , thought Fay

  6. 从加来开车去,要留出大约8小时的时间。或者,你可以坐飞机前往布里夫。

    Allow about eight hours for the drive from Calais . Alternatively , you can fly to Brive .

  7. 法国几个月来一直宣誓关闭加来附近的非法营地,周二早上终于开始解散。在法国电台的一篇采访中,拆除加来地区非法移民营地的行动得到法国移民部长艾里克·贝松(EricBesson)的证实。

    France Dismantles Illegal Immigrant Camp After vowing for months to The operation to dismantle the Calais area camp was confirmed by French Immigration Minister Eric Besson , in an interview on French radio .

  8. 你比加来特的影响力大得多

    You have a lot more influence there than Garrett does .

  9. 我们经多佛和加来而到巴黎。

    We travelled to Paris by Dover and Calais .

  10. 我们在加来海峡一带严阵以待。

    We were all ready for the attack at the Pas de Calais .

  11. 从这里到加来每日三次轮船航班。

    Three sailings a day from here to calais .

  12. 加来和布洛涅始发的前行火车开抵巴黎北站。

    Onward trains from Calais and Boulogne go to Paris Gare du nord .

  13. 敦刻尔克太远了为什么不能在加来上船

    Dunkirk 's so far . Why can 't they just load at Calais ?

  14. 与此相反,也能由彩色光相加来获得彩色。

    Conversely , it is possible to create colours by the addition of coloured lights .

  15. 我们在火车上睡着了,醒来时发觉已到加来了。

    We fell asleep on the train and woke up to find ourselves in Calais .

  16. 他们在加来港停靠让他上岸。

    They put him off at calais .

  17. 我们中午乘船去加来。

    We embarked for Calais at midday .

  18. 同一天,他驾驶一架新的“安特瓦特”号飞机来到了加来附近。

    He , too , arrived near Calais on the same day with a new antoinette .

  19. 请等到简加来。

    Please wait till Jane arrives .

  20. 我们乘渡轮过了英吉利海峡,然后在加来上了去巴黎的火车。

    We took the ferry across the channel and then joined the Paris train at calais .

  21. 许多人跋山涉水,经过亚洲和欧洲的危险旅程抵达加来地区。

    Many had arrived to the Calais squatter area after dangerous journeys through Asia and Europe .

  22. 他曾经在加来和波洛业看见犯人把同样表册交给几个法国绅士看。

    He had seen the prisoner show these identical lists to French gentlemen both at Calais and Boulogne .

  23. 两天之后,路易斯.布莱里奥驾驶一名为11号的飞机来到加来附近。

    Two days alter , Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called ' No. XI ' .

  24. 现在利蓓加来了,你可以跟她做伴。

    What a comfort it is that Rebecca 's come : you will have her for a friend .

  25. 我从伦敦坐火车到多佛尔,然后乘船过海峡到加来。

    I caught the train from London to Dover and then got the boat across the Channel to Calais .

  26. 有些时候,会有一百家之多的银行组成一个辛迪加来共同包销一笔金额巨大的证券发行。

    Sometimes as many as a hundred investment bankers form a syndicate to handle a single large securities offering .

  27. 乔里恩连夜从加来渡过海峡,在星期日早晨抵达罗宾山。

    Jolyon , who had crossed the channel from Calais by night arrived at Robin Hill on Sunday morning .

  28. 离开加来后,那艘船便驶往多佛。本公司每月有三次定期班轮驶往上海。

    After leaving Calais , the ship made for Dover . We have three liner sailing for shanghaI every month .

  29. 我从土鲁斯到巴黎,在那里没有耽搁多久,就到了加来,随后就在多维尔平安登陆。

    I travelled from Toulouse to Paris , and without any considerable stay came to Calais , and landed safe at Dover .

  30. ?世界大战给法国的北部留下了许多遗迹,如北部-加来海峡,皮卡第大区和诺曼底。

    The North is one region where the world wars have left many scars . It includes Nord-Pas de Calais , Picardie , and Haute-Normandie .