
  1. 接着,分析了青岛建设集团实施战略管理的控制过程,并对战略绩效进行了评价。

    My research then analyzes the process of implementation of the strategic management in Qingdao Building Group and evaluates the performance of strategies .

  2. 基于公司预算的要求,建设全面预算管理软件系统,协助公司实施企业的战略、控制经营过程中的风险。

    Based on the requirement of company budget , comprehensive budget management software system construction , assist the company in the implementation of corporate strategies , control the risk management process .

  3. 最后,对全球化战略的实施和控制过程也作了一定的介绍。

    Finally , the author introduce the implementation & feedback system of the globalization strategy .

  4. 并在此基础上阐述了战略的实施和控制过程。

    , the thesis dissects the developing strategy of the company and demonstrates the process of the strategic implementation and controlling .

  5. 在此基础上,提出了人才战略控制的方法、过程及战略实施过程中需要注重的问题,增强了战略实施的实效性。

    Additionally , we addressed the method of talent control , the problems which need to pay attention in the implement process , enhancing the effectiveness of the strategy implementation .

  6. 预算管理是对企业的日常经营和运转进行规划和控制的重要工具,也是企业在战略管理和内部控制过程中常常采取的一种重要的手段。

    Budget management is an important tool for planning and controlling the daily operation and management of an enterprise . It is also an important way in the process of strategy management and internal control .

  7. 关联业务子公司适用的管理模式匹配的控制手段:战略与文化控制、过程控制、结果控制等,控制力度较低,注重人工费用的控制。

    Control means associated business units for the management of pattern matching : strategic and cultural control , process control , result control , efforts to control the lower , focus on the control of labor costs .

  8. 而战略管理则是一个过程,它是以战略调研为基础,包含了战略制定、战略实施、战略控制的过程。

    Strategy management is a process including strategy establishment , strategy action and strategy control , with the strategy investigatement as foundation .