
zhàn lüè qǐ tú
  • strategic plans
  1. 希特勒进攻苏联的战略企图没有一个不是失败的。

    Not one of Hitler 's strategic plans of attack against the Soviet Union has succeeded .

  2. 国际国内环境的变化,美国的战略企图,日本的战略企图等形成冷战后美日安全合作关系加强的因素。

    The change of the international and internal environment , the America 's strategic end and Japan 's strategic end are the factors that result in the reinforcement of the US - Japan security cooperation relations after the Cold War .

  3. 中国抗日战争不仅开辟了反法西斯战争的第一个战场,而且有力地支援了苏联反法西斯侵略的卫国战争,粉碎了德日会师中东的战略企图,也是打败日本法西斯的决定因素。

    The Chinese Anti-Japanese war not only opened the first front in anti-fascism war , but also supported forcefully the Soviet Union and broke the attempt of Germany and Japan to meet in the Middle East and helped the US defeat Japan .

  4. 这一切无不告诉我们外国公司正在应用专利战略,企图以此来瓜分和占领中国市场,制约我国企业的发展。

    All of those are telling us that the foreign companies are using patent strategy to deal with our companies for carving up and occupying China market and restricting the development of our companies .

  5. 这个战略并不需要积累军事装备来实现威慑的战略企图。

    Such a deterrent strategy does not require accumulating military equipment for its own sake .