
  • 网络Campaign tactical missile
  1. 地地战役战术导弹封锁敌港口时火力分配的优化

    Fire Assignment Optimization of Ground-to-ground Campaign Tactical Missile in Blanking off Enemy Port

  2. 某型地地战役战术导弹部队突击反导防空导弹阵地火力计划模型研究

    Firepower Plan Research on Surface-to-surface Tactic Missile Army Sallying Antiballistic-antiaircraft Missile Position

  3. 战役战术导弹目标价值排序的模糊综合评判法

    Target Value Sequencing for Campaign-tactic Missile by Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgement

  4. 地地战役战术导弹突击军用港口毁伤仿真研究

    The Damage Simulation Research of Ground-to-ground Tactical Missile to Assault Military Ports

  5. 地地战役战术导弹突防仿真研究

    The Study of Penetration Simulation of Ground-to-ground Tactical Missile Weapon System in Campaign

  6. 地地战役战术导弹火力控制仿真设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Fier Control Simulation to Ground-to-ground Tactical Missile in Campaign

  7. 炮兵以各种压制火炮、反坦克火炮、反坦克导弹和战役战术导弹为基本装备,遂行地面火力突击任务。

    The artillery corps , equipped basically with artillery for suppression and anti-tank purposes , and missiles for antitank and other operational-tactical purposes , carries out ground fire strikes .

  8. 根据地地战役战术导弹特性和反导防空导弹阵地自身特点,得出在不同作战意图下,某型地地战役战术导弹部队突击反导防空导弹阵地火力计划模型。

    Establishes the firepower plan models of surface-to-surface tactic missile army sallying the antiballistic-antiaircraft missile position under different campaign intentions based on the characteristics of antiballistic-antiaircraft missile position and the traits of surface-to-surface tactic missile .

  9. 战役战术常规导弹部队装备常规战役战术导弹武器系统,遂行常规导弹火力突击任务。

    The conventional operational-tactical missile force is equipped with conventional operational and tactical missile systems . Its task is to carry out fire assaults with conventional missiles .

  10. 登岛战役中战役战术中,影响导弹打击选择目标的主要因素有:目标的价值、威胁程度、易毁性、可靠性、打击效费比和导弹打击能力等6个方面。

    In the landing operation , there are some main effect factors in the missile selecting target : target value , threat degree , destroy nature , dependability , compare of the effect and the cost and the hitting capability of the missile .