
  • 网络Shrine of Remembrance;War Memorial;Australia War Memorial;Australian War Memorial
  1. 一起发生在加拿大国会大厦战争纪念馆附近,另一起是在国会大厦。

    One was at the Canadian War Memorial , near the country 's parliament building , another was inside parliament .

  2. 战争纪念馆的一名加拿大士兵被枪击致死。

    A Canadian soldier at the war memorial was shot and killed .

  3. 结合当今流行的Intranet的发展,通过实例:基于Intranet的中国人民抗日战争纪念馆MIS系统的设计,介绍了新一代MIS系统的系统结构与体系结构的特点。

    In light of the current development of Intranet nowadays , this paper introduces the characteristics of the system structure and architecture of the new generation of MIS , through the example of the MIS design scheme of the Museum of the War of Chinese People 's Resistance against Japan .

  4. 你热衷于私下参观芝加哥警察总署、墨尔本战争纪念馆、或者是巴塞罗那奢华的马术俱乐部CirculoEcuestre吗?

    Keen on a private peek into the Chicago Police Headquarters , Melbourne 's historic Treasury Reserve or Barcelona 's posh equestrian club , Circulo Ecuestre ?

  5. 民众前往墓地或参观战争纪念馆。

    People visit cemeteries and war memorials on this day .

  6. 我们需要到战争纪念馆。

    We need to go to the war memorial .

  7. 伟大的卫国战争纪念馆。

    The Great Patriotic War museum .

  8. 在惠灵顿国家战争纪念馆,威廉王子为无名碑献上一只玫瑰。

    Prince William places a rose on the Tomb of The Unknown Warrioratthe National War Memorial in Wellington .

  9. 新西兰无名勇士墓位于惠灵顿的巴克尔大街的国家战争纪念馆。

    The New Zealand Tomb of the Unknown Warrior is at the National War Memorial in Buckle Street , Wellington .

  10. 他们二人着手设计战争纪念馆,吉卜林对此抱有很大的兴趣。

    The two of them went off to design the war memorials , with Kipling taking an enormous amount of interest in it .

  11. 他们同首都各界代表一起,在抗日战争纪念馆向抗战烈士敬献花篮。

    They were joined by representatives from all walks of life in the Chinese capital to present flower baskets to martyrs at a museum of that war .

  12. 议会大楼发生枪击案之前,一名加拿大士兵在附近的战争纪念馆被枪杀,导致整个议会区域被封锁。

    Before the shooting at the Parliament Building , a Canadian soldier was shot dead at a nearby War Memorial , putting the whole area around the Parliament on lockdown .

  13. 我记得在心脏国“指环王”在新西兰南岛皇后镇的一个小村庄北的战争纪念馆。

    I recall the war memorial in a tiny village north of Queenstown in the heart of " Lord of the Rings " country on the South Island of New Zealand .

  14. 上午11点整,全国各地的城镇都会在当地的战争纪念馆举行纪念仪式。在此仪式上,由一个军号手演奏《最后的号音》,然后人们向烈士默哀一分钟。

    Services are held at11am at war memorials in suburbs and towns across the country , at which the " Last Post " is played by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed .

  15. 早饭后,前往参观世界反法西斯经典战争&台儿庄大战纪念馆;

    After breakfast , go to visit the memorial hall of the classic world anti-fascist war & Taierzhuang Battle ;