
zhàn jú
  • war situation
战局 [zhàn jú]
  • [war situation] 战争局势

  • 扭转战局

战局[zhàn jú]
  1. 战局倒转了,入侵者被击退。

    The war situation was inverted and the invaders were defeated .

  2. 不管怎样,真的,现在是双方都毫无保留的战局,

    in the ... in the circumstances . After all , really , this is an all-out war situation ,

  3. 苹果发新机加入5G战局

    Apple introduces iPhone with 5G

  4. 1934年中国处在战局动荡中。

    In 1934 China was in a turbulent state of war .

  5. 另一只雌蜂身陷另一场混乱的战局

    Another female , caught in the middle of another brawl ,

  6. 比赛还没结束,蓝队就宣告自己获胜而结束了战局。

    The blue team declared before the end of the match .

  7. 日本侵华战争爆发后,她密切关注战局发展。

    After Japan invaded China , she watched developments closely .

  8. 随着战局的变化,上百万人返回。

    Millions more returned as the fortunes of war changed .

  9. 于是我们知道战局发生了扭转。

    And we knew that the war was turning .

  10. 这步意想不到的招法将黑方的车投入战局。

    This unexpected move serves to draw the black rook into the game .

  11. 衡阳失陷的原因及其对战局的影响

    Hengyang Fell and the Affection for Situation of War

  12. 有人说这次行动对战局没有帮助。

    It was said to be of no significance to the war effort .

  13. 这次进攻使战局改观。

    The offensive turned the tide of the war .

  14. 现在该我们掌控战局了

    I think it 's time we took this war into our own hands .

  15. 虽然战局仍然令人沮丧,前途很不明朗,

    Although the news was so unremittingly bleak , and the prospects so uncertain ,

  16. 我发现战局对我们太不利,我必须干点什么。

    I saw how desperate things were becoming , I had to do something .

  17. 第二,战局一旦变化,统帅的战略也跟着要变。

    Secondly , as battle conditions change , the general must change his strategy accordingly .

  18. 欢迎加入战局,惠普!

    Welcome to the battle , HP .

  19. 第二,粮草问题与抗倭战局。

    Second , the army provisions issue and the war situation of fighting against Japan .

  20. 当你采取主攻时,步兵可以很容易的扭转战局。

    Infantry can really sway the tide in a battle when you are playing offense .

  21. 他对于战局是悲观的,对于自己前途也是悲观的。

    He had become pessimistic about the war and about his own career as well .

  22. 凯文·杜兰特以及迈克·布朗在第三回合中作为新的主要人马加入战局。

    Kevin Durant and Mike Brown arrive as the new major figures in Act 3 .

  23. 这时战局却出了逆转。

    The campaign had gone sour .

  24. 飞行专家即使在与强敌作战时也有能力逆转战局。

    A piloting expert can reverse the course of action even when fighting against heavy odds .

  25. 这时其他人也加入战局,刀剑交击声刹时响彻广场。

    The clang of steel echoed through the yard as the others joined battle around him .

  26. 在法国的帮助下,战局逐渐对英军不利。

    With the help from france , the tables of war were gradually turned on the british .

  27. 他们开始问我,战局的发展到了什么阶段,谁又被俘了,诸如此类的问题。

    They started to ask me , what 's going on , who else was captured , etc.

  28. 在重型装备可以运到并影响战局以前,战场上就会见分晓。

    The decision would be reached on the battlefield before heavy equipment could arrive and affect the outcome .

  29. 而随着各个战区战局的发展这种人事安排带来了越来越多的问题。

    This was an arrangement that became progressively more difficult as the tempo of operations increased in both theaters .

  30. 由于哪一方都不愿将他们士兵的生命在另一场战役中冒险,战局继续僵持着。

    The situation remains a stalemate with neither side prepared to risk the lives of their soldiers in another battle .