
zhàn lüè xiānɡ chí
  • strategic stalemate
  1. 这种战略相持阶段,即是准备反攻阶段。

    And the stage of strategic stalemate is the stage of preparation for our counter-offensive .

  2. 在这种意义上,抗战的战略相持阶段基本上已经到来。

    In this sense , basically the War of Resistance has reached the stage of strategic stalemate .

  3. (三七)第二阶段,可以名之曰战略的相持阶段。

    37 . The second stage may be termed one of strategic stalemate .

  4. 就全国来说,在抗日战争全过程的三个战略阶段防御、相持、反攻中,首尾两阶段,都是正规战争为主,辅之以游击战争。

    Of the three strategic stages the defensive , the stalemate and the counter-offensive in the entire process of the war in the country as a whole , the first and last are stages in which regular warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary .

  5. 在新的国际环境中,在日本更加困难和我国绝不妥协的条件之下,我国的战略退却阶段便已完结,而战略相持阶段便已到来。

    In the new international situation , as Japan comes up against increased difficulties and China firmly refuses to compromise , the stage of strategic retreat will end for us and that of strategic stalemate will begin .