
  • 网络rudder
  1. 舵机在导弹中的作用为驱动舵面偏转。

    Function of the actuator is to drive the rudder rotate in the missile .

  2. 结冰模拟对运七飞机横向特性及舵面效率的影响

    The effects of icing simulation on lateral characteristics and rudder effectiveness of Y-7 aircraft

  3. 含有V型垂尾飞机的舵面配置

    Effector Deployment for the Airplane with V Shape Vertical Tail

  4. 为开展三维舵面绕流的NS方程数值模拟和铰链力矩数值计算研究奠定了基础。

    This paper aims at the research of aerodynamic characteristic of two dimensional aileron by solving N-S equation , based on the structured grid and Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model .

  5. ANFIS在舵面控制中的应用

    Application of ANFIS in the control of rudder-face

  6. 随着空气密度的增加,气动舵面逐步介入控制系统,RCS随之逐步退出。

    Along with the increase in air density , aero-surfaces gradually intervene the control system , and the RCS drops out of use .

  7. 本文采用高速采样PI控制器设计输出反馈跟随系统,给出了控制器的设计方法,并分析了它对于控制舵面部分缺损故障的鲁棒特性。

    The method uses fast sampling digital PI controllers to design digital flight control tracking system . This paper gives the way to design the controller and analyze its robustness characteristics .

  8. 根据一组多舵面无人机巡航状态的CFD(计算流体力学)数据建立其运动学方程和动力学方程,并搭建发动机模型和舵机模型;

    Nonlinear equations with six degrees of freedom including kinematics equations and dynamics equations was established according to the data of the cruise status , and modeling of the engine and helm for a certain UAV ;

  9. 而作动器卡死与单舵面损伤组合故障则需要局部检测和全局检测结合来判定。CTMRI和PET-CT对鼻咽癌局部肿瘤检测差异的初步研究

    The former can be detected by local detection , while the latter should be detected by local and global detection together . Preliminary Studies of Differences in Local Detection of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma using CT , MRI and PET-CT

  10. FES(FlightExcitationSystem)试验是通过机上FES系统产生激励、并借助伺服作动器输出舵面偏度信号,由此达到激励飞机结构的目的。

    FES ( Flight Excitation System ) test is conducted to excite the aircraft structure in terms of servo actuator whose input signals is send from the FES system installed on the aircraft .

  11. 在自主水下航行器(简称AUV)壳体外形确定后,可以适当对舵面大小与重心位置进行调节来满足不同速度下的AUV水平面运动稳定性。

    Fin sizes and the center of the gravity can be properly adjusted to maintain the stability of horizontal motion of AUV with different velocities when the cell of the autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) is established .

  12. 借用飞机重构控制方法,采用MoorePenrose逆法,对飞机的操纵效能提出了一套直接控制冗余算法,使操纵舵面之间达到最佳配置。

    In this paper , by using Moore-Penrose inversion method borrowed from aircraft reconfigurable control method , a set of direct control redundance methods is brought up and the optimal control efficiencies of different effector deployments core obtained .

  13. 舵面损伤的气动模型及故障检测研究

    Study on fault detection and aerodynamic model for control surface damage

  14. 舵面损伤在线故障模式预测及故障检测

    On-Line Fault Mode Prediction and Fault Detection for Control Surface Damage

  15. 舵面矢量喷流对现代战斗机气动特性的影响

    Effects of vane vectoring jet on aerodynamic behavior of modern fighters

  16. 基于视觉测量的飞行器舵面角位移传感器标定

    Calibration of Angular Displacement Sensor of Vehicle Rudders Based-on Vision Measurement Technology

  17. 适用于飞机舵面损伤情况下的一种在线辨识算法研究

    A Better On-Line Identification Algorithm with Impairment of Aircraft Control Surfaces Considered

  18. 基于试验气动力的弹性飞机舵面效率分析

    Control Surfaces Efficiency Analysis of Flexible Aircraft Based on Experimental Aerodynamic Forces

  19. 飞机舵面损伤的简单自适应重构控制方法

    A Simple Adaptive Reconfigurable Control Method for Aircraft Control Surface Loss-of-Effectiveness Failures

  20. 基于虚拟仪器的无人机舵面负载模拟器

    A Rudder Load Simulator Based on Virtual Instrument for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  21. 最终实现对舵面转角的快速精确定位。

    Ultimately the fast and high precision location of rudder-face was realized .

  22. 飞行控制系统舵面效率损失率估算方法研究

    On Efficiency Study of Control Surface Failure Rate Estimation Method

  23. 舵面-液压伺服机构连接刚度参数辨识

    Parameter identification of joining stiffness of rudder hydraulic servo mechanism

  24. 简述了舵面气动特性研究的研究内容之一,提高测量最大铰链力矩试验数据精准度的有效模拟技术。铰链力矩试验的目的就是确定操纵面的最大铰链力矩。

    The objective of hinge moment test is to determine its maximum .

  25. 轻型低速飞机舵面前缘曲线圆弧拟合法

    Arc Fitting of Lead Edge of Control Surfaces on Low Speed Light Aircraft

  26. 舵面铰链力矩的估算

    A rough estimation of the hinge moment of actuator

  27. 非结构混合网格下的三维舵面流动计算研究

    An Useful Viscous Flow Solver for Control Surface Deflection Using Unstructured Mixed Element Grids

  28. 自修复飞行控制系统舵面/作动器故障检测与隔离

    Detection and isolation of control surface effectiveness failures

  29. 基于限制最小二乘估计的飞机舵面故障诊断方法

    Detection and Diagnosis Method of Impairment Effectors Based on the Constraint Least Square Method

  30. 舵面特性对飞翼构型作战飞机短周期品质的影响飞翼布局飞行器副翼性能及重构分析

    Influence of Control Surface Characteristics on Short Period Mode Flying Qualities for Flying Wing Aircraft