
  • 网络strategy and tactics;Strategic and tactical;tactics
  1. 海格被自己那一套保守的战略战术所束缚。

    Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics

  2. PO是生命周期中的第一个领域,因为它包含了战略战术,并且涉及到确定出IT能够帮助实现业务目标的最好方式。

    PO is the first domain in the lifecycle as it covers strategy and tactics , and concerns the identification of the way IT can best contribute to the achievement of the business objectives .

  3. 本文通过对世界物流巨头UPS及其战略战术的基准研究,对中国海运大型物流企业如何在竞争加剧的环境中巩固和扩大市场份额提出一定的战略战术参考。

    The purpose of this article is to bring forward strategic suggestion for large China 's shipping companies , who stepping into a increasingly competitive environment , through doing bench mark research of the strategies of U.S.A logistics and supply chain management giant UPS .

  4. 正确的战略战术比优势兵力更重要。

    The correct strategy and tactics more important than superior force .

  5. 这方法,就是指导战争的战略战术。

    The methods are the strategy and tactics for directing war .

  6. 一旦被他们连接起来了,他们就会使用一种极其特殊的战略战术。

    Once they do , they adopt an extraordinary Miiitary tactic .

  7. 在战争中应运用灵活机动的战略战术。

    We should adopt flexible strategy and tactics in a war .

  8. 以弱胜强战略战术研究

    Research on the Strategy and Tactics of The Weak Defeats the Strong

  9. 日本侵略中国东北的战略战术思想

    Stratagem and Tactics Ideas of Japan 's Invading Northeast China

  10. 略论东汉王朝克定陇蜀之战略战术

    The Strategies in Putting Down Long Shu Fighting in East Han Dynasty

  11. 降低耦合程度将提供灵活性,而这种灵活性使实现战略战术演变成为可能。

    Loose coupling provides flexibility and flexibility enables strategic and tactical evolution .

  12. 并用来确保战略战术上的军事优势。

    It is used to secure both tactical and strategic military advantages .

  13. 我们的战略战术根据自己球队情况而定。

    We base our strategy and tactics on the conditions of our team .

  14. 第二,人物品题对制定战略战术起着不可估量的作用;

    Secondly , it played an important role in formulating strategies and tactics ;

  15. 第三节由此产生我们的战略战术

    Our strategy and tactics ensuing from these characteristics

  16. 对于此刻到底应该采用何种战略战术,崔茜卡满脑子稀里糊涂。

    She was thoroughly confused as to strategy .

  17. 其中的战略战术仍具有参考价值,具有现实意义。

    Strategy and tactics which still has the reference value , with practical significance .

  18. 这就得考虑战略战术问题,不是简单的自我安慰那么简单。

    This consideration strategy tactic question , is not simple consoles oneself that simply .

  19. 稳健进取的战略战术;

    Steady and enterprising strategy and tactics ;

  20. 红军的战略战术,是在这种尖锐的对比上发生的。

    From this sharp contrast have arisen the strategy and tactics of the red army .

  21. 定向运动中路线选择的战略战术

    Strategies of route choice in orienteering

  22. 其次,战略战术问题。

    Next about strategy and tactics .

  23. 我想了解它的意图了解它的战略战术

    I want to know about his plans . I want to know about his tactics .

  24. 灵活机动的战略战术

    Flexible strategy and tactics

  25. 制订好战略战术,了解他的弱点,什么能伤害他,征服他。

    Plotting my strategy and maneuverings knowing his weak points , what would hurt him , seduce him .

  26. 孙子兵法的战略战术和辩证法思想已广泛应用于社会生活的各个领域。

    The tactics and dialectics embodied in Master Sun Zi Warcraft have found applications in various fields of life .

  27. 我们是时候知道仅仅采用其他公司的战略战术是远远不够的了。

    It 's time we learn that adopting the tactics and strategies of another company is just simply not enough .

  28. 坚定正确的政治方向,艰苦朴素的工作作风,灵活机动的战略战术。

    A firm and correct political orientation , an industrious and simple style of work , and flexible strategy and tactics .

  29. 很多军事家对他的战略战术进行研究,至今经久不衰。

    Numerous military strategist had an research on the strategy and tactics of Hannibal , and they are still enduring now .

  30. 西方企业政治行为研究&关于企业规模与政治战略战术的运用

    Research into the Political Action of the Western Enterprises & about the Scale of Enterprises and the Use of Political Strategies