
zhàn zhèn
  • Battle formation;deployment of troops;order of battle
战阵 [zhàn zhèn]
  • (1) [position]∶作战或比赛的阵势;战场阵地

  • 久经战阵的老战士

  • (2) [battle array]∶作战的阵法

  • 教之战阵

  1. 一营久经战阵的新闻发布官也接到命令,二十四小时都处于紧急戒备状态。

    A battalion of combat-hardened public-relations officers stood on red alert twenty-four hours a day .

  2. 只怪我这双腿不曾在光荣的战阵上失去,那麽我也不会踏进这种是非中间了!

    And would in action glorious I had lost Those legs that brought me to a part of it !

  3. 正如史密夫在战阵中困惑地问尼欧「为什麽」,他回答「因为我自己选择了」。

    As Smith asks in bewilderment during their battle , 'Why ' . Neo answers , 'Because I choose to ' .

  4. 但却受到北宋政府在婚姻、姓名权、职官选授、战阵排列等方面的歧视。

    But it was discriminated by the Northern Song Dynasty in marital system , name power , official system and war arrayment .

  5. 长矛民兵久经战阵,训练有素,装备精良盔甲和长矛,能够以圆阵拒敌。

    Experienced and well trained local militia equipped with good armour and a spear , able to form a defensive ring of spears .

  6. 这些部队久经战阵,装备长矛和部分盔甲,防御作战极为坚韧,表现出色。

    These spear militia are comprised of more experienced troops with some armour and long spears , making them a tough defensive unit .

  7. 一代又一代的玩家早已习惯于从一个远离战阵的安全安逸的俯视视角来指挥战斗,制定策略和计划。

    Generations of players have commanded their forces from afar , making tactical decisions and planning their strategies at a safe distance from the front lines .

  8. 我说不出这场任性的争吵是怎麽开始的;只怪我这双腿不曾在光荣的战阵上失去,那麽我也不会踏进这种是非中间了!

    I cannot speak any beginning to this peevish odds ; and would in action glorious I had lost those legs that brought me to a part of it !

  9. 可以说,王德用少有威名而老有所成,一生多有坎坷,少历战阵却颇有名望。

    It can be said Wang of " Wal rare " and " old age as " more than a rough life , but rather less experience war to fame .

  10. 永别了,长嘶的骏马、锐厉的号角、惊魂的鼙鼓、刺耳的横笛、庄严的大旗和一切战阵上的威仪!

    Farewell the neighing steed , and the shrill trump , The spirit-stirring drum , the ear-piercing fife , The royal banner , and all quality , Pride , pomp and circumstance of glorious war !