
  • 网络War simulation;warfare simulation
  1. 兵棋(Wargame)是现代战争模拟的重要起源,是一种利用模拟手段进行战争分析的方法。

    Wargame , as an important origin of warfare simulation , is one method of war analysis using simulation .

  2. 想定是进行战争模拟的基本前提,无论是传统的军事演习还是现代计算机战争模拟都离不开想定。

    Military scenario is the basic premise of the warfare simulation , neither traditional military exercises nor modern computer warfare simulations can run without scenario .

  3. 实验结果表明强化学习技术能很好的满足指挥控制Agent无师在线实时学习的要求,从而为战争模拟系统中的智能Agent的适应性机制提供良好的建模手段。

    The experimental result proves that the reinforcement learning theory can meet the Agent real time learning acquirement very well . So , this learning theory is a favorable method to model the Intelligent Agent adaptability in war simulation .

  4. 因此,需要以CAS理论为依据,研究新的武器装备体系对抗仿真建模方法,以适应信息化战争模拟的需要。

    So , it is necessary to study a new method of SoS combat simulation of weapons and equipments based on the complex adaptive system ( CAS ) theories so as to meet the need of war game and simulation by the information age war .

  5. 战争模拟:复杂性的问题与思考

    War Game and Simulation : Issues of the Complexity and Consideration

  6. 面向信息化战争模拟的体系对抗交互模型研究

    On SoS combat interaction model of warfare simulation in information age

  7. 构建科学的战争模拟体系迎接新军事变革的挑战

    Construct the Scientific Architecture of War Gaming and Simulation to Face the Challenge of New Revolution in Military Affairs

  8. 虚拟案例教学是利用计算机战争模拟系统来进行案例教学的一种新的教学形式。

    Virtual case teaching or simulation-based case teaching is a new teaching method that is based on war simulation & gaming system .

  9. 沉浸式战略决策训练是一种强调利用现代战争模拟技术营造虚拟决策情景与环境的新型训练方式。

    Immersive Seminar Gaming is a new training method , which provides virtual decision-making scenarios and environment with war simulation & gaming system .

  10. 群体行为建模与仿真是虚拟现实技术的重要研究方向,是战争模拟、虚拟社会等领域研究的热点问题。

    Crowd behavior modeling and simulation is a key technology of virtual reality , and is also very important in virtual society and war simulation .

  11. 兵棋这一传统的战争模拟方式,在西方约两百年的发展历程中,取得了巨大的成就。

    Wargame , as a traditional warfare simulation method , has achieved great success in the western during the developing process of about two hundred years .

  12. 最后,基于装备体系作战能力的数值分析,提出了在战争模拟中基于多分辨率数据的多分辨率建模方法。

    The relation between least square collocation and data resolution is discussed based on the form in frequency domain of the principle of least mean square error .

  13. 本文提出构建科学的战争模拟体系,用战争模拟来取代作战模拟,可以更好地反映未来信息化战争的特点。

    Indicated by the substitution of War Gaming and Simulation for Warfare Simulation , a scientific architecture of War Gaming and Simulation was presented in this paper to characterize the information age war in the future .

  14. 从研究信息化战争模拟体系对抗交互模型的有关问题入手,界定了体系对抗交互概念,分析了体系对抗交互的复杂性特征及体系对抗交互作用的主要途径。

    Based on the requirement of system of systems ( SoS ) combat interaction modeling in information warfare simulation , the concept of SoS combat interaction is defined . The complexity and the main approach of SoS combat interaction are analyzed .

  15. 信息化战争模拟不能仅仅考虑火力作战损耗,需要更加注重对军事、政治、经济、社会、舆论等各个领域的综合建模仿真。

    War gaming and simulation in information age can be not just considered in the firepower attrition , whereas be paid close attention to the model & simulate comprehensively among military , political , economic , social , diplomatic , consensus domain , etc.

  16. 梳理了几种多分辨率建模方法的主要特点、优势和不足,针对战争系统模拟的特点和需求,对战争系统的模型体系进行了划分。

    The thesis classifies the main characteristics , advantages and drawbacks of several multi-resolution modeling methods . To the characteristics and requirements of warfare system simulation , model architecture of warfare system is classified .

  17. 我们得知,这场演习相当于可能出现的战争情况的模拟。

    We 're being told that this is as close a simulation as you can get to a possible war situation .

  18. 利用仿真系统在战争指挥决策模拟中精确地再现整个战争的细节,虚拟每个战区作战态势,逼真地模拟战场环境,使指挥员能够准备地获取战场信息并指挥作战和进行战略决策。

    Decision-making in the war simulation , the use of massively parallel processor modeling and simulation technology to accurately reproduce the theater of combat situation , realistically simulate battlefield environment in which commanders to direct operations and to the right strategic decisions .

  19. 基于战争能量的作战模拟模型

    Model of Battle Simulation Based on War Energy

  20. 将电磁理论引入到作战模拟当中,创建了一个基于战争能量的作战模拟模型。

    The electromagnetism theories are applied into the battle simulation , and a model of the battle simulation based on the war energy is set up .

  21. 新的战争模式对作战模拟仿真技术提出了新的要求,其中计算机生成群体兵力是目前大规模作战模拟训练仿真面临的难题之一。

    The new warfare mode brings out new demands for the warfare simulation technology , among which the Computer Generated Group Forces is one of the most difficult problems faced with large-scale warfare simulation training .

  22. 战争复杂性与信息化战争模拟

    War Complexity and War Gaming & Simulation in the Information Age

  23. 战争复杂系统与战争模拟研究

    Study on War Complex System and War Gaming & Simulation

  24. 信息化战争研究需要新型的战争模拟手段。

    The study on war in the information age requires a new methodology with respect to war gaming and simulation .

  25. 信息化战争研究需要系统理论的指导,需要新型的战争模拟手段。

    War problem 's research in the information age needs system theory and new methodology of war gaming & simulation .

  26. 针对战争复杂问题探索性分析评估的需求,基于国防大学战争模拟系统,提出了进行探索性仿真分析评估的框架。

    Aiming at the requirement of the exploratory analysis and evaluation of the complex warfare , the exploratory analysis and evaluation framework is presented based on the war game and simulation system developing by the NDU of PLA .