
  • 网络strategic purpose;Strategic aim;Strategic Intent
  1. 由于诸多因素的作用,日本的战略目的得逞了。

    On account of a good many of factors , Japan succeeded in its strategic purpose .

  2. 从企业资源基础理论的观点看,跨国战略联盟是不同国家的两个或两个以上的独立企业为了实现一定的战略目的而进行企业间资源跨国整合活动的一种长期合作安排。

    On the resource-based theory , international strategic alliance is defined as a long-term cooperative agreement between two or more independent forms from different countries which make inter-firms resources across-national integration for their strategic purpose .

  3. 在此基础上,本文借助SWOT分析框架对中国企业跨国并购的内外部环境进行了详细的分析,提出了中国企业跨国并购的主要特点和主要战略目的;

    On the basis of this analysis , it makes a detailed research about the internal and external environment of CBM A of Chinese enterprises through SWOT framework , and brings forward the main features and strategic objectives of the Chinese enterprises which can implement CBM A.

  4. 这是在战略目的上说的。

    Here we are speaking of the strategic objective .

  5. 为战略目的而被军队士兵占据的地区。

    A point occupied by troops for tactical reasons .

  6. 为了达到战略目的,有影响力的人常常会讲故事。

    Influencers tell stories for strategic purposes .

  7. 最后本文在分析入世后中美经贸关系发展前景及动态影响因素的基础上,从战略目的和任务两个方面提出了我国的对美贸易战略。

    At last , the goals and tasks of our foreign trade strategy are put forward .

  8. 本文分析了新入盟国加入北约的原因和美国扩大北约的战略目的。

    This paper analyses the intentions of the new members and the strategic objectives of the USA.

  9. 该战略目的是要在未来的5年中大力增加中国国民拥有专利的数量。

    The strategy aims to boost the number of patents held by Chinese citizens over the next five years .

  10. 一场战役是由一系列旨在战场上达到一个战略目的一系列联合行动构成的。

    A campaign is a series of joint actions designed to attain a strategic objective in a theater of war .

  11. 官茶主要用来在西北边境储边易马,对它的管理主要服务于战略目的。

    Official tea is mainly used in the northwest side of the border to exchange horse , it mainly services the strategic purposes .

  12. 政府应该在基础设施建设和营运方面出台相应的公共政策扶持,以确保战略目的的实现。

    The Government should introduce appropriate public policy support in terms of infrastructure and operations to ensure the achievement of the strategic objectives .

  13. 绩效评估日益发铺成为一种实现地方政府战略目的与晋升政府绩效的有效工具和手腕。

    Performance Evaluation become a growing realization of the objectives and strategies of local governments improve government performance and effective tools and instruments .

  14. 再分析了价格战的两种基本战略目的,即提高企业的市场份额和行业的集中度;

    Furthermore , this paper points out there are two basic goals of price-war . One is to catch larger share of the market ;

  15. 为了实现积极防御的战略目的,在提出组网侦察与跟踪和多层拦截策略的基础上,给出了一个适应当前要求的区域巡航导弹防御体系设计方案,对其硬件系统的功能进行了描述。

    A design of area cruise missile defense system is given based on combinatorial reconnaissance and multiplayer interception In order to achieve the vigorous defense aim .

  16. 在这过程中,纳粹德国的对外宣传起到了掩饰或粉饰自己的战略目的的作用。

    In this process , how Nazi Germany uses the foreign propaganda to cover up or gloss over their strategic purposes is a very worthwhile research .

  17. 两党开辟敌后战场的战略目的不同,这影响到两党抗战态度和国共关系;

    The two parties differed in their strategic aims of opening battlefields in enemy 's rear area which affected their relation and attitude towards the Anti Japanese War ;

  18. 在特殊情况下,以知识产权为目标的企业并购行为还可以作为实现企业竞争战略目的、对抗竞争对手打击的有效手段。

    In certain circumstances , M & As aimed at property right can become an effective way of achieving goals in competitive strategy and resisting competition 's attacks .

  19. 它是运用空中摄影拍下这个区域以达到美方战略目的,这两张消失的地图见证了世界历史上的一段黑暗时期。

    Showing aerial photography of the region with strategic points mapped out , these missing artifacts are a reminder of a dark time in the world 's history .

  20. 本文用不同模型确认了参考文献所揭示的重要政策含义:在国际贸易中,即使是自愿的生态标签规则也可进行操控以达到战略目的。

    By using a different model , this paper confirms the references ' important policy implication : even voluntary eco-labeling may be manipulated for strategic purposes in international trade .

  21. 对该提议的普遍关注,应该能让中国在改革金融体系的争论中得到核心角色,但这篇文章或许还抱有短期战略目的。

    The widespread attention for the proposal should give China a central role in debates about reforming the financial system , but the essay might also have had short-term , tactical goals .

  22. 为实现这一战略目的,英国的丘吉尔政府在政治领域对西班牙做出了一系列的让步以安抚佛朗哥政府,同时在经济上对西班牙进行力所能及的援助。

    In order to realize such a tactic goal , the Churchill government had made some necessary concessions to appease Franco government in politics ; at the same time , the Churchill government also tried to offer economical supports to Spain .

  23. 本文根据资产重组的战略目的、理论假设和我国的具体情况,为不同战略目标的重组选取相应的指标,并通过因子分析法以建立一致性和准确性结合的评估体系。

    In accordance with the strategic goals , theoretical assumptions , and specific situations of china , the article selected corresponding indicators for asset restructuring with different strategic goals , and designed a consistent and accurate evaluation system using factor analysis method .

  24. 20世纪20年代,美国为了达到自己的战略目的,一方面对拉美地区采取政治上的收缩政策,另一方面则极力加强经济扩张,加大经济控制,极力排挤英国在这一地区的经济利益。

    In 1920 's , on the one hand America adopted the constringency on the political policy , on the other hand then made every effort to enhance the economic expansion , strengthen economic control and discriminate against the economic benefits of England at Latin America .

  25. 制定该战略的目的既不是为了通过一体化战略让HF公司扩大市场范围。也不是为了通过多元化经营扩大市场份额。而是调动公司所有资源,最大限度发挥优势,使公司专注于某一特定的细分市场。

    The purpose of the strategy is neither to expand market ranges by integration strategy , nor to expand market share through diversification strategy , but to mobilize all resources to maximize the advantages of the company and to focus on a particular market segment .

  26. 这就是制定企业发展战略的目的与基本任务。

    This is the purpose and mission of formulating the corporate developing strategy .

  27. 本文共分三部份:第一部份是实施顾客满意战略的目的和意义。

    The first part argues the purpose and significance of the implementation of customer satisfaction stratagem .

  28. 对美贸易战略的目的和任务又是什么?

    And what are the goals and tasks of China 's foreign trade strategy toward US ?

  29. (九九)但达到战略消耗目的的,还有战役的消耗战。

    99 . But the objective of strategic attrition may also be achieved by campaigns of attrition .

  30. 他们面对的是一种计算和系统的战略,目的是破坏他们的民族和文化特性。

    They confront a calculated and systematic strategy aimed at the destruction of their national and cultural identities .