
  • 网络WACC;weighted average cost of capital;Weighted Average Capital Cost
  1. 接下来分析了加权平均资金成本法,重点撇清了资金成本和资本成本之间的关系,为运用加权平均资金成本法扫平了障碍。

    Next we analysis of weighted average cost of capital , focus on the relationship between the cost of asset and the cost of capital , sweeping obstacles of using weighted average cost of capital .

  2. 传统的资金成本计算公式没有考虑货币价值变动对资金成本的影响,本文分析了在通货膨胀和通货紧缩的情况下,普通股资金成本、债券资金成本以及加权平均资金成本分别要做出哪些修正。

    How the fluctuating money values influence the fund cost has not been referred to in the traditional fund cost calculating formulas .

  3. 通常对于资本结构的感觉是随着资本负债比率的增加,加权平均资金成本会先降低。

    A common perception about capital structure is that as capital gearing is increased the weight average cost of capital falls at first .

  4. 在共同治理的模式下,财务管理的目标是企业价值最大化,要使企业价值最大,在其他条件不变的情况下,必须使加权平均资金成本最低,而此时则达到了最优财务结构。

    Under such model , the target of corporate finance is to maximize the enterprise 's value . The weighted average costs of funds must be cut down to minimum to realize the best financial structure .

  5. 采用了资金成本率和加权平均综合资金成本率,对筹资质量进行全面分析,并对项目投资规模和结构进行了优化调整,提高了资金来源质量。

    It adopts capital cost ratio and weighted average combined ratio , and analyses the financing quality fully . It also optimizes and adjusts the scale and construction of the project , and improves the quality of capital source .