
  • 网络Garda;Lake Garda
  1. 加尔达湖是湖泊胜地中最引人入胜的一处。

    Garda is one of the lake 's most picturesque resorts .

  2. 今天就不去加尔达湖了?

    But * So , no Lake Garda then today ?

  3. 阿布加尔达否认了对他的所有指控。

    Abu Garda had denied all the charges against him .

  4. 已将这9例的样本送往世卫组织黄热病合作中心即塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所进行最后确认。

    Samples from The9 cases have been sent for final confirmation to the WHO Collaborating Centre for yellow fever , the Pasteur Institute at dakar , senegal .