
  • 网络Galleon;kanon;garonne
  1. 里面是很不起眼的一堆银西可,只有一块金加隆。

    There was a very small pile of silver Sickles inside , and just one gold Galleon .

  2. 假加隆上的编号会改变以显示下次聚会的日期和时间,时间改变的同时假加隆还会发热。

    The serial numbers of the fake Galleon would change to show the date and time of the upcoming session and the Galleon would become warm .

  3. 千万张面孔,变化无穷,只卖十个加隆

    A hundred thousand disguises , all for ten Galleons !

  4. 他们有权看着加隆的改革议案

    They had the authority to see that Calonne 's reforms

  5. 加隆的改革方案将会介绍给他们

    Calonne 's reforms will be introduced to them ,

  6. 国王意识到加隆没能说服

    The king realises that Calonne has failed to persuade

  7. 火车轰隆隆地爬上山去.法国西南部一个地区,位于比利牛斯山和加隆河之间。

    The train went chugging up the hill . a region of southwestern France between Bordeaux and the Pyrenees .

  8. 加隆是第三个因为试图让富人们交税而失宠的财政部长

    Calonne was the third Finance Minister to fall from grace after trying to make the rich pay more tax .

  9. 一侧全肺加隆突切除2例,右肺上叶加隆突切除重建2例,不切肺叶单行隆突切除重建8例,姑息切除1例,手术探查1例。

    In our study , there were 2 cases with pneumonectomy plus carina resection , 8 carina resection and reconstruction without lobectomy , 1 palliative resection and 1 exploration .

  10. 当然,他的钱只能在魔法世界里使用,你不能在麻瓜的商店里用加隆、西可和纳特买东西。

    Of course , it was only in the wizarding world that he had money ; you couldn 't use Galleons , Sickles , and Knuts in Muggle shops .

  11. 在几个世纪前,由于加隆河和纪龙德河流经这里,所以来自各个大陆的商船都把这里作为交易的港口,因此波尔多变得富裕了起来。

    The city became rich some centuries ago thanks to the two rivers ' Garonne ' and ' Gironde ' , as overseas ships from many continents used the port for trading .