
  • 网络MANUEL VALLS;Vals;Valls;waals;WARS
  1. 在前来悼念死者的人群中,有一部分人高喊“瓦尔斯辞职”。

    Cries of " Valls resign " rang out from part of the crowd that was gathered to pay respect to those who died .

  2. 这座塔由瑞士建筑师圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦·瓦尔斯设计,在塔上将建造一观景平台,还会有18到20层的多用途楼层,同时还将拥有时装商店以及酒店。

    Designed by Swiss architect Santiago Calatrava Valls , the tower will have observation decks , in addition to 18 to 20 mixed-use floors that will host restaurants and a boutique hotel , Alabbar said .

  3. 明尼苏达大学(UniversityofMinnesota)的教育政策专家、从1996年开始研究该问题的凯拉?瓦尔斯特龙(KylaWahlstrom)表示,所有证据都表明青少年睡眠规律是生理学(而非态度)造成的。

    All the evidence points to teen sleeping patterns being a consequence of biology , not attitude , according to Kyla Wahlstrom , an educational policy specialist at the University of Minnesota , who has studied this issue since 1996 .

  4. 其工作原理是模仿壁虎趾面的粘附机理,利用柔性微纳米阵列与固体表面之间的范德瓦尔斯力实现直接粘附。

    By mimicking the attachment mechanism of the gecko , direct adhesion can be obtained under the van der Waals forces between the nano hair array and the contacted surfaces .

  5. 所以,从测量的到的状态方程的数据,或者从状态方程模型比如理想气体方程,范德瓦尔斯方程或者其他状态方程,我们就可以知道。

    So from measured equation of state data , or from a model like the ideal gas or the van der Waal 's gas or another equation of state you know this .

  6. 瓦尔斯还说,法国民众对日常生活过于艰苦感到烦恼。他保证政府将加倍努力,振兴法国经济。法国是欧元区的第二大经济体。

    Mr. Valls also said France had declared its anger at a daily life that is too difficult and promised to redouble the government 's efforts to revive the French economy , the second largest in the eurozone .