
  • 网络VARESE;A.S. Varese
  1. 根据牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)犯罪学教授和国际集团犯罪研究专家弗雷德里克o瓦雷泽的介绍,俄罗斯黑帮是高度分散化的。

    Their structure , according to Frederico Varese , a professor of criminology at the University of Oxford and an expert on international organized crime , is highly decentralized .

  2. 然而,瓦雷泽表示,该组织确实会整合他们的资源,组织的财产由一个12人委员会管理,他们“定期在全球不同的地方会面,会议通常会伪装成节庆活动。”

    The group does pool its resources , however , and the money is overseen by a 12-person council that " meets regularly in different parts of the world , often disguising their meetings as festive occasions , " Varesi says .