
  • 网络Castigliano Second Theorem;Second Castigliano Ttheorem;Second Castigliano theorem
  1. 用卡氏第二定理计算弹性地基梁的方法,为弹性地基梁的计算提供新的切入点、注入了新的活力,开辟了一个新的研究空间。

    The methods of calculating elastic foundation beams with Castigliano Second Theorem bring new cut-in point , new vitality , and open a new field for the research on elastic foundation beams calculations .

  2. 基于卡氏第二定理,推导出椭圆型弹性球铰链柔度、精度的解析表达式。

    Based on the Castigliano 's second theorem , the equations were formulated for the compliance and precision of an elliptical flexure spherical hinge .

  3. 本文就线弹性静不定系统中力法与卡氏第二定理的应用,讨论正则方程与最小应变能原理在静不定系统中的普遍意义。

    The general meaning of the canonical equation and the principle of the least strain energy in linear elastic statically indeterminate systems has been discussed for applications of the force method and the second theorem of Castigliano in the above systems .