
  • 网络Cahokia
  1. 位于现在伊利诺伊州的卡霍基亚是其中最大的一个。

    Cahokia , in the present state of Illinois , was the largest .

  2. 今天的卡霍基亚最引人注目的就是它的80个土堆,其中一些高达100英尺,占地2200英亩。

    The most notable aspect of Cahokia today are the 80 mounds of earth , some as high as 100 feet , which dot the 2200-acre site .

  3. 虽然科学家们不断发现卡霍基亚的新消息,但是如今的印第安部落是哪个古老城市居民的后裔,以及到底是什么原因让他们放弃自己的居住地,这仍是最大的谜团。

    Although scientists are constantly discovering new information about the Cohokia community , the biggest mystery that remains is which modern Indian tribe is descended from the residents of the ancient city , as well as just what it was that caused them to abandon their settlement .

  4. 谜团:虽然科学家们不停地发掘出卡霍基亚部落的最新信息,但遗留至今的最大谜团仍有2个——现今的印第安部落到底哪一个是古代城市居民的后裔?到底是什么原因导致他们放弃了居住地?

    The Mystery : Although scientists are constantly discovering new information about the Cohokia community , the biggest mystery that remains is which modern Indian tribe is descended from the residents of the ancient city , as well as just what it was that caused them to abandon their settlement .