
  1. 房屋前面的这座日式花园中采用了当地的植物。

    The Japanese-style gardens in front make use of native plants .

  2. 这是当你的一个日式花园中所感受的。

    This is related to the feeling you may have when in a Japanese garden .

  3. 这栋房屋后面还有一处露台和院子,那里还有一座日式花园。

    There 's also a back patio and yard , with a second Japanese garden .

  4. 比如说,一个日式花园会被认识是一个微妙和象征元素的集合。

    A Japanese garden , for example , can be said to be a collection of subtleties and symbolic elements .

  5. 一楼设有卧室、浴室以及一间带有日式花园的主卧,营造了一个宁静的家居环境。

    A serene family area was created on the first floor by placing the bedrooms and family bathroom on the first floor and connecting the master bedroom to a Japanese style garden .

  6. 溢出的湖水倾泻而下,形成了一座日式水景花园的瀑布。

    The loch 's overflow cascades into the waterfalls of a Japanese water garden .