
  • 网络moving average
  1. 彭博(Bloomberg)数据显示,香港股市今年的表现是世界十大股市中最糟糕的,昨日已逼近200日均线这一关键的长期支撑位。

    Hong Kong is the worst-performing of the world 's 10 largest stock markets this year , according to Bloomberg data , and yesterday skirted close to its 200-day moving average , a key long-term support level .

  2. 因此,如果CPI数字好于预期,将再次激发一波空头回补反弹,有可能将大盘推至20日均线关键阻力上方。

    With that said , a better than expected CPI reading would trigger another short-covering rally , which has the potential to fuel a run above key resistant at the area of the20-day moving average .

  3. 目前在3912附近,正在测试55日均线的支撑。

    Currently we 're at3,912 , testing the55-day MA .

  4. 计算9日均线的值&这是慢速或者是信号线。

    Calculate a9-day EMA of the fast line-this is the slow or signal line .

  5. 不过,如果市场再次跌至200日均线下方,那么许多人就会认为不那么好。

    If the market drops below its 200-day moving average again , however , many reckon that is not so good .

  6. 上证综指下跌1.1%,收于2986.61点,两年来首次跌破200日均线。

    The Shanghai Composite slid 1.1 per cent to 2,986.61 , moving below its 200-day moving average for the first time in two years .

  7. 不过正如上面提到的,大盘可能一路跌向50日均线,暂时还不会改变中期上升趋势。

    Although , as noted above , the market can drop all the way to the50-day moving average and still be in an uptrend .

  8. 采用非参数方法实证研究的结果和采用参数方法得到的结果基本一致,在靠近A股指数10日均线拐点月份我国开放式基金绩效出现了反转现象。

    Results are consistent with non-parametric methods and parameters methods . And open-end fund performance reversed near A-share index of 10 day moving average turning point .

  9. 外部市场,美元指数走低,达到本月较低的水平,原油期价上涨,从100日均线处逆转反弹。

    The outside markets included a lower dollar , lowest level this month , and higher crude oil , bouncing off its100-day moving average in reversal bottoming action .

  10. 闪点破灭了就伺机卖出,也就是说,10日均线拐折了,就伺机卖出该股票。

    Flash point burst on the opportunity to sell , say , 10 % of the application of Equal-string shui , waiting for an opportunity to sell the stock .

  11. 周四的行情预示著标普很有可能至少再出现一次上攻20日均线的尝试。

    Thursday 's trading action suggested that there is a pretty good chance that we 'll see at least one more attempt to rally above S & P20-day moving average .

  12. 我一再提示:在“牛头熊身”行情下,不能用移动平均线作为研判后市,日均线是不堪一击的!

    Under the quotes of bull head and bear body , don 't judge the following situation by moving average lines , since daily average lines don 't afford to be hit .

  13. 200日均线是一项受到密切关注的长期人气指标,目前较标准普尔500指数低20%这一差距反映出股市反弹势头有多么强劲。

    The 200-day moving average is a closely watched indicator of long-term sentiment and currently is at 20 per cent below the SP 500 a divergence that shows how strongly equities have rallied .

  14. 据BespokeInvestmentGroup的数据,此前是金价自1979年以来仅第四次持续一年以上位于200日移动均线下方。

    The latest streak marked only the fourth time since 1979 in which gold traded below the 200-day moving average for more than a year , according to Bespoke Investment Group .

  15. 衡量大宗商品价格的广泛指数CRB指数降至5月初以来最低水平,跌破了200日移动均线。这是一个强烈信号,表明过去几个月的反弹已经结束。

    The CRB index , a broad index of commodity prices , dropped to its lowest level since early May , pushing below its 200-day moving average a strong signal that its rebound of the last few months is over .

  16. 上次金价处在200日移动均线上方是在2013年2月11日。

    The last time gold traded above its 200-day moving average was Feb. 11 , 2013 .

  17. 就像风靡学校操场的新脏话一样,突然间,大家都在谈论200日移动均线。

    Like a new swear word sweeping across school playgrounds , suddenly everyone is talking about 200-day moving averages .

  18. 上周五近月交割的黄金期货重返200日移动均线上方,许多技术指标观察人士利用该均线判断金价的长期走势。

    Front-month gold futures on Friday jumped back above the 200-day moving average , a line that many chart watchers use as a guide to predicting long-term trends .

  19. 关注200日移动均线的投资者还可以避开1987年的崩盘,尽管这种手法此后就几乎没有用了,并在网络热潮期间彻底失灵。

    Those watching 200-day moving averages would have also dodged the 1987 crash , although the practice has been pretty much useless since , completely messing up during the dotcom period .

  20. 截至周二,标普500指数需要上涨56.5%,才能回到200日移动平均线之上。200日均线是一个长期趋势指标,其每一天的点位都反映了前200天的平均价格水平。

    As of Tuesday , it needed to gain 56.5 per cent just to return to its 200-day moving average , a measure of the long-term trend , which for each day takes the average of the 200 previous days ' prices .