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  • 网络Upper corner;superior angle;superscript;superior horns;top-left-corner
  1. 把你的地址写在信的右上角。

    Write your address in the top right-hand corner of the letter .

  2. 屏幕将在右上角显示用户名。

    The screen will display the username in the top right-hand corner .

  3. 在左上角写上“航空邮递”。

    Write ' By Airmail ' in the top left hand corner .

  4. 显示你身高的指针在右上角。

    The needles that indicate your height are at the top right-hand corner

  5. 在将你的诗用电子邮件发出之前,记得在文档的右上角标记"Open"或"ESL",以表明你要参加哪个组。

    Remember to mark Open or ESL in the top right-hand corner of the document to show which group to enter before emailing your poem ( s ) .

  6. 它显示出,如果你只想关注右上角的图示,它显示出朱莉的实际呼气流量率峰值,就是那个黄色方块。

    So what it shows -- if you want to focus on that top graph in the right-hand corner -- it shows Julie 's actual peak expiratory flow rate in the yellow bar .

  7. 单击位于左上角的绿色Play按钮,开始测试。

    Click the green Play button located in the upper left hand corner to initiate the test .

  8. 单击图右上角的Data选项卡,就会看到统计数据。

    Clicking on the Data tab on the top right corner of the graph provides the statistics of each individual of the pie chart .

  9. 单击SAVE图标(左上角)。

    Click the SAVE icon ( top left corner )

  10. 在该面板的右上角单击Test,检查您是否已经成功连接到数据库。

    Click on Test in the upper right corner of the pane to verify that you can successfully connect to the database .

  11. 单击欢迎页面右上角的Viewupdates链接。

    Click the View updates link on the Welcome page in the upper-right corner .

  12. 不时的点击Plan项右上角的Save以保存您所做的工作。

    Click Save on the upper-right of the Plan tab at any time to save your work .

  13. left和top属性根据元素与页面左上角的相对位置定位元素。

    The left and top attributes position the element with respect to the upper-left corner of the page .

  14. 请注意面板右上角的PerformGC按钮。

    Notice the Perform GC button in the top-right corner of the panel .

  15. 单击Stop(左上角的方框)退出程序,窗口消失。

    Clicking Stop ( the square in the upper left ) causes the program to exit and the window to disappear .

  16. 注册链接写为“signup”(40%)并被放置在页面的右上角;

    The registration link is titled " sign up "( 40 % ) and is placed in the upper-right corner .

  17. 在查看器portlet中,右上角有一个action按钮。

    In the Viewer portlet , there is an action button () in the top right hand corner .

  18. 每个IBM网页的右上角包括一个用于搜索所有IBM内容的搜索框。

    The upper-right corner of every IBM Web page includes a search box for searching all IBM content .

  19. 默认情况下,Swing帧出现在屏幕的左上角。

    By default , a Swing frame appears in the top left corner of the screen .

  20. 可以通过从桌面双击InternetExplorer图标(左上角)启动ReportStudio。

    You can start Report Studio by double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop ( upper left corner ) .

  21. 使用move()方法放置菜单,它将任何组件的左上角映射到所选的位置。

    You place the menu using a move () method , which maps the top left corner of any component to the desired location .

  22. 请注意,单击范围活动右上角的橘红色“x”号可以在错误处理程序的显示和隐藏之间进行切换。

    Note that clicking the orange and red'x'at the top-right of the scope activity toggles between showing and hiding the fault handler .

  23. 在屏幕右上角,单击标记Snapshot的相机图标。

    At the top right of the screen , click the camera icon labeled Snapshot .

  24. 将PERFORMER窗口移至左上角。

    Move the PERFORMER window to the top left corner .

  25. 为了查看新建属性和动作的效果,在窗口左上角的UserTable视图组件中选择一个文档。

    To see the new property and action wirings in action , select a document in the User Table view component shown in the top left of the window .

  26. 在编辑完新模式之后,单击模式编辑器页面右上角的Doneediting链接。

    Once you are done editing the new pattern , click the Done editing link in the top right-hand corner of the pattern editor page .

  27. AustinHatch(如图左上角)是美国印第安纳州一所高中的优秀篮球运动员。

    Austin Hatch was a standout high school basketball player in Indiana .

  28. 单击Beanstalk控制台的ApplicationDetails区域左上角的Versions选项卡,您应该能看到您的第一个版本。

    Click the Versions tab toward the upper-left corner of the Beanstalk console 's Application Details section and you should see your first release .

  29. 该映像应当仍然处于Draft状态,而且您可以通过单击右上角工具栏的capture图标来捕捉它。

    The image should still be in Draft state , and you can capture it by clicking the capture icon in the upper-right toolbar .

  30. 以下过程将从左上角的banner中移除IBMlogo并应用于所有的样式。

    The following procedure will remove the IBM logo in the top-left of the banner and will apply to all styles .