
  1. 2013年8月,DWH公司聘请巴顿担任自家地上造房部门的销售顾问。

    DWH hired Barton as a sales consultant in August 2013 in its build-on-your-lot division .

  2. 他们想在我的地上造一条收费公路。

    Wants to build a toll road across my land .

  3. 你国庆节派对上造的露台也是用的钉子。

    So was that gazebo you built for our 4th of July party .

  4. 它们大多吃腐肉,地上造巢鸟类的蛋,和浆果。

    They eat mostly carrion , the eggs of ground-nesting birds , and berries .

  5. 这条街上造满了房子。

    The street was solidly built up .

  6. 他们在那船上造伪钞?

    Bogus currency aboard that ship ?

  7. 女人是从男人的肋骨上造出来的,不是起头上造出,以压过他;

    Woman was created from the rib of man , not from his head to top him ;

  8. 合同条件之一是我们不在这片土地上造房子。

    One of the conditions in the contract is that we don 't build on the land .

  9. 然后医生会在患者的腹壁上造一个开口(结肠造口术),通过这个开口,患者体内的固体废物将会得到排泄。

    The surgeon then creates an opening ( colostomy ) on the abdomen wall through which solid waste in the colon is excreted .

  10. 巴顿在其中一块地上造完自己第一座房子并在另一块地上开工后创办了自己的建筑公司,主要从事复古改造的业务。

    After building his first home on one lot and flipping the other , Barton started his own home building company that specialized in historic reproductions .

  11. 背道的民哪,你反来复去要到几时呢?耶和华在地上造了一件新事,就是女子护卫男子。

    How long will you go on turning this way and that , o wandering daughter ? For the Lord has made a new thing on the earth , a woman changed into a man .

  12. 暗利用二他连得银子向撒玛买了撒马利亚山,在山上造城,就按着山的原主撒玛的名,给所造的城起名叫撒马利亚。

    And he bought the hill Samaria of Shemer for two talents of silver , and built on the hill , and called the name of the city which he built , after the name of Shemer , owner of the hill , Samaria .

  13. BPH患者经耻骨上膀胱造瘘与经尿道置管两种方法行排尿期压力&流率测定结果比较

    Comparing the differences between the suprapubic and the transurethral methods for pressure-flow measurements during voiding of BPH patients

  14. 结果:在听功能上,造瘘术后一些动物的蜗神经动作电位(AP)出现了不同程度地升高;80dBN1波潜伏期随AP阈值升高而延长;

    The results showed that for the hearing function , the AP threshold increased in some animals after the operation , and the latency of N1 ( 80 dB ) prolonged with the increase of AP threshold .

  15. 经耻骨上膀胱造瘘途径治疗膀胱结石

    A clinical study on treating bladder calculi by suprapubic endoscopy

  16. 谁会在基地里花这么多时间,以致能在细节上重造?

    Who spent enough time on the base to be able to reproduce it in this kind of detail ?

  17. 该职员对雇主本人,或雇主代表或顶头上司造成人身伤害。

    The employee has inflicted physical harm on the employer personally or on the employer 's representative or direct supervisors .

  18. 本文利用网络分析技术对原条造材进行了优化设计,原条上的造材决策点作为网络的节点。

    The optimal design on tree stems bucking has been made by using the technique of network analysis in this paper .

  19. 经皮耻骨上膀胱造瘘肾镜超声弹道碎石治疗膀胱结石(附65例报告)

    Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystotomy Lithotripsy by Nephroscope in Combining Ultrasound and Lithoclast in Treatment of Bladder Calculi ( with 65 Cases )

  20. 据记载,我国历史上共造塔10000座左右,现仅存3000余座。

    By recordation , there are totol 10000 pagodas or so in the history , and now , only about 3000 pagodas are survival .

  21. 你会发现超市货架上中国造的零食琳琅满目,因为这里的大部分食品是从中国进口的。

    You will find a good stock of Chinese-made snacks on the supermarket shelves , since much of the foodstuff here comes from China .

  22. 神经原性膀胱功能障碍7例,2例行膀胱颈环状肌切断术,3例自行间断导尿,2例行耻骨上膀胱造瘘术;

    Cases had neuropathic bladder dysfunction ; of these cases 2 underwent transurethral bladder neck circle muscle resection , 3 intermittent self-catheterization and 2 suprapubic cystostomy .

  23. 后悔是惊人的浪费精力;在后悔上是造不了东西的;它只能使你陷在里面不能自拔。&曼斯菲尔德

    Regret is an appalling waste of energy , you can 't build on it ; it 's only good of wallowing in . & Katherine Mansfield

  24. 在猪的离体髌骨上模造髌骨横形骨折并采用了三种术式固定,作为力学试样。

    In this research , the porcine patella to have generated transverse fracture were fixed with three kinds of fixations , and regarded as the test samples .

  25. 如美国继续撇开联合国和国际社会,不顾中东地区的宗教、种族、历史和文化等实际情况而大张旗鼓的改造、整合伊拉克,把伊重建打上美国造标记,必会遇到更多严峻挑战。

    In future , if US want to reshape Iraq signing US and ignore religion , race , history , culture , etc , it will meet more challenges .

  26. 尿道狭窄8例,3例行尿道扩张术,3例行尿道内切开,1例行尿道外口成形术,1例行耻骨上膀胱造瘘术;

    Patients developed urethral stricture , of these patients , 3 patients underwent urethral dilatation , 3 patients underwent internal urethrotomy , 1 patient underwent meatoplasty and 1 patient underwent suprapubic cystostomy .

  27. 从理论上对造气系统的能力进行了核算,并与实际值进行比较,剖析造气系统存在问题,提出解决措施。

    Checks and calculates the capacity of gas generation system in theory and compares it with the actual value , analyzes the existing problems in the gas generation system and proposes solutions .

  28. 认为术前心理疏导,术后采取综合防护:膀胱冲洗,1∶5000高锰酸钾溶液坐浴,耻骨上膀胱造瘘等,能有效减少尿潴留的发生。

    She held preoperative mental care , postoperative comprehensive prevention and treatment like irrigation of urinary bladder , sitz bath with 1:5000 kalium hypermanganicum solution and trans-pectineus stoma of bladder can reduce urinary retention effectively .

  29. 康有为从对中国历史的思考中,得出了中国专制政体实质上即造成人与人之间分层阻隔、相互隔绝的生存状态,以便掣阻与统治。

    From his thought of the history of China , Kang Youwei has concluded that it is the Chinese autocracy that has caused the separation and mutual isolation between people and people in order to govern and control its people .

  30. 本文从理论上分析造气过程中降低炉上温度以减少挥发分溢出的方法,提出了通过减少挥发分逸出从而减少潜热损失,达到降低煤耗的观点。

    This paper analyzes the method theoretically to reduce vaporization of volatimatter of gas production though temperature drop of the upper part of gas generator , and advances the opinion that loss of latent heat and coal consume can be reduced though reducing vaporization of volatimatter .