
  1. 原降钙素会减少监护室抗生素的使用?

    Will procalcitonin reduce antibiotic use in intensive care ?

  2. 根据原降钙素的血浆水平将住院病人被随机分组进行抗生素治疗,或者根据参与的医师来进行标准的抗生素治疗。

    The hospitalized patients were randomized to antibiotic treatment based on serum procalcitonin levels , or to standard antibiotic therapy administered according to the attending physician .

  3. 研究者们总结到,在总共六个月的减少抗生素使用中,同标准的治疗组相比原降钙素对慢性阻塞性肺病加重病人的知道提供了一个持续的优点。

    " Procalcitonin guidance for exacerbations of COPD offers a sustained advantage over standard therapy in reducing antibiotic use for up to6 months ," the researchers conclude .

  4. 首先,用改进PCA算法对原样本降维,获得最优特征表示子空间;然后,在保证该子空间类内散度矩阵非奇异的基础上,作改进的线性判别分析。

    The improved PCA is used to reduce the dimension first to get the optimal characteristic subspace of the original sample data set . In this process , the intra-class scatter matrix of the characteristic subspace should be ensured to be non-singular .

  5. 我原想要降住阿列克,但最终是他降住了我。

    I thought I was going to manipulate aleks , but in the event , he manipulated me .

  6. 葡萄籽原花青素化学降度工艺的研究

    Study on chemistry degradation of proanthocyanidins from grape seed

  7. 基于血浆纤维蛋白原水平的降纤酶方案治疗急性脑梗死的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Defibrase Therapy Based on the Level of Plasma Fibrinogen in the Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction

  8. 对模型进行模态分析,采用独立模态控制法,把原问题进一步降维,成为一系列标量微分方程的优化设计问题。

    The modalities of the mode are analyzed . And the design dimension is reduced by using the independent modality space control method .

  9. 该方法不是象传统方法那样首先试图将原输入空间降维(即特征选择变换),而是设法将输入空间升维,以求在高维空间中问题变得线性可分(或接近线性可分)。

    Unlike traditional method try to reduce the dimension of input space ( i.e. characters selection and transformation ), SVM increase dimension of input space to ensure it is Linearly Separable in high dimension space .

  10. 为了减少计算复杂度,对原图像进行滤波降维,并用遗传算法对ICA求得的独立基集合进行搜索得到了一个最优的独立基子集;

    To decrease the computing complexity , the dimension of the original image was reduced and GA was applied to the sources set to get an optimal subset of it .

  11. 黄原胶接枝共聚物降滤失剂应用性能评价

    Evaluating the Performances of Xanthan Gum Graft Copolymer as Fluid Loss Reducer

  12. 原发性十二指肠降部中及低分化腺癌行胰十二指肠切除术各1例;

    For the descending portion of the duodenum , 1 case of moderately-differentiated and1 poorly-differentiated carcinoma received pancreatoduodenectomy .

  13. 来源于真菌的抗生素、免疫抑制剂、抗病原真菌制剂以及降胆固醇制剂在临床上为人类抵抗疾病做出了巨大的贡献。

    That immune suppressants , anti-pathogenic fungal agents and cholesterol-lowering agents from fungal antibiotics have made tremendous contributions to human disease in clinical resistance .