
  1. 难民们已被遣返原国。

    The refugees have been deported back to the country they came from .

  2. 沙特君主制政权相对稳定的原国试析中东地区阿以冲突的原因

    Reasons for Relative Stability of Saudi Monarchy An Analysis on the Cause of Arabia - Israel Conflict

  3. 查找并冻结资金是一回事,但接下来还要把资金充公和汇回原国。

    It is one thing to find and freeze the money , but the next step is to confiscate the funds and repatriate them .

  4. 2001年,中国联通与原国信寻呼合并;2008年,又再与原中国网通进行合并。

    In 2001 , China Unicom merged with the original National Telecom ; in 2008 , it merged with the original China Netcom again .

  5. 小原国芳是新教育运动的开拓者,他敢于向传统教育挑战,创立自己的全人教育的理论与实践,在国际上享有很高声誉。

    He dared to challenge traditional education , and created his own theory and practice of the whole-person education . So , he enjoyed a high international reputation .

  6. 据联合国教科文组织公约,非法出口,被盗,被洗劫的文物,或者战争期间丢失的文物,应该不受任何限制的时间限制将其返还原国。

    According to the UNESCO Convention on Stolen and Illegally Exported Cultural Objects , any cultural relics looted or lost during wars should be returned without any limitation of time span .

  7. 此外,在鼓励公民归国并加强与海外移民社团的联系方面,移民的原住国政府已变得更为主动。

    In addition , the governments of countries of origin have become more proactive in encouraging the return of their citizens and strengthening ties with their expatriate communities .

  8. 渤海世家大族以原渤海国的王族和右姓为主,尽管它们在新王朝统治下发展情况并不相同。

    The Po-hai great families consisted mainly of the King family and other famous families of the former Po-hai State , though they developed differently under the government of the new dynasty .

  9. 摘要尼日利亚宪法和非洲大多数国家一样,发端于殖民地时期,受到原宗主国宪法模式和宪法原则的深刻影响。

    As the Constitution in most African countries , Nigeria constitution makes a start in colonial period , and suffers the profound influence of the constitution model and constitution principle of former suzerain .

  10. 另外,如果你是在本国以外的其它国家求职的话,别忘了带上有关你在原住国的职业经历的移民文件。

    In addition , if one is seeking employment in a country other than one 's own , be sure to bring all immigration papers which relate to employment in your host country .

  11. 非法移民给移民的原国籍国、目的国以及非法移民本人带来了各种危害,给世界各国和国际社会造成了多方面的消极影响。

    Illegal immigration causes a great deal of harm to the original country , destination country and the individual himself . It also brings many other negative effects to every country and the international society .

  12. 随着2002年底十八家欧美博物馆支持不列颠博物馆不返还希腊石雕声明的发表,将文化遗产返还其原所有国这一原本就十分敏感且备受关注的话题再次成为焦点。

    Along with the declaration of 18 European and American museums supporting the British Museum 's rejection to return the stone carvings to Greece , the original country of these objects , the sensitive issue of returning heritage again becomes a focus of the international heritage world .

  13. 《跨国收养方面保护儿童及合作公约》建立了收养国与原住国合作的新机制。中国参加了公约的制定并在最后文件上签了字。

    The tasty for the protection of children and cooperation in terms of transnational adoption has established a new mechanism for the cooperation between the adopter 's country and the adoptee 's one China participated in the formulation of this treaty and signed its name to the document .

  14. SebastienGaly说,对欧元增长的预期下降,这影响了澳大利亚,巴西和加拿大等原材料生产国。

    Sebastien Galy says growth expectations for the euro area have dropped . This has affected producers of raw materials such as Australia , Brazil and Canada .

  15. 田氏原是陈国后裔。

    The Tian clan was the descendants of Chen .

  16. 但我们不想仅仅成为只面向一个国家的原材料供应国。

    But we do not want to simply become the raw material supplier to just one country .

  17. 冷战结束后,外高加索地区的原苏联加盟国:格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚三国相继宣布国家独立。

    After the cold war , the three countries-Armenia , Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Transcaucasia declared independence .

  18. 这吴城原是魏国名将吴起苦心经营之地,地势险要,工事坚固,正面进攻恐难奏效。

    They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress .

  19. 世界上的穷国变成了原材料生产国,而富国从高附加值制造和服务中获利。

    The poor parts of the world become producers of raw materials and rich ones profit from high-value-added manufactures and services .

  20. 因为中国是世界最大的家具出口商,也是最大的木制原材料进口国。

    That is because China is the world 's largest exporter of furniture and a major importer of wooden raw material .

  21. 我和二友人原就读于国大,九月间同行负笈上海复旦大学,参与校际交流计划。

    Along with two fellow NUS undergraduates , I have been studying in Shanghai 's Fudan University since September on an inter-varsity exchange programme .

  22. 作为巨大的原材料进口国,中国已开始改变各大宗商品出口国的命运&从巴西到澳大利亚、从蒙古到安哥拉。

    As a huge importer of raw materials , China has begun to alter the fates of commodity exporters from Brazil to Australia and from Mongolia to Angola .

  23. 中国增长显著放缓,将影响世界各地的经济体,尤其是打击在过去10年里变得依赖中国需求飙升的原材料出口国。

    Significantly slower Chinese growth will affect economies across the world and hurt exporters of raw materials that have become reliant on surging Chinese demand over the past decade .

  24. 企业是经济发展的原动力,国与国之间的经济竞争,归根到底是企业间的竞争,是企业技术创新能力的较量。

    Enterprise is the motive power of the economic development . And in the final analyse the economic competition between countries is the competition between enterprises and between their technology innovation capabilities .

  25. 作为全球铁矿石的最大进口国,中国将主导2007年铁矿石基准价格谈判,这反映出中国作为全球最大原材料采购国的新的影响力。

    China , the world 's leading importer of contract ore , is set to lead the negotiations for benchmark prices for 2007 , reflecting the country 's new clout as the world 's biggest buyer of raw materials .

  26. 其一,数量庞大的新兴经济体工人被吸收进全球劳动力大军,对生产率造成冲击;其二,大宗商品价格上涨,将财富转移到主要位于新兴经济体的原材料出口国手中。

    First , the productivity shock resulting from the absorption into the global labour force of massive numbers of workers in emerging economies ; and second , the increase in commodity prices that has transferred wealth to raw material exporters mainly in the emerging world .

  27. 红色(英文)软壳克氏原螯虾在我国开发利用的前景

    The exploitation and utilization of red swamp crayfish in China

  28. 我国的民事撤诉制度,原是与我国职权主义诉讼体制相适应的一项民事诉讼制度。

    The system of civil withdrawing was used to traditional civil procedure mode .

  29. 人力资本是推动一个国家经济的主要原动力,我国政府要想拥有更强大的能力和竞争优势,必须全面提高政府工作人员的素质。

    Human capital is the main motive power of the economic development of China .

  30. 原苏联加盟共和国在尚不具备条件的情况下,就强行当地推行包括股票市场在内的金融体制和工具。

    Without the proper conditions , foreign powers imposed financial instruments , such as the stock market , on the Russians .