
bù qí
  • irregularity;unequal;fraze
不齐 [bù qí]
  • [unequal] 在质或量方面、大小或程度上不一致的;多变的,可变的,不规则的,不均匀的

  • 脉律不齐

不齐[bù qí]
  1. 那是一场素质不齐的演出。

    It was a patchy performance .

  2. 挂在墙上的链子高低不齐。

    The chains were at different heights on the wall .

  3. 他们被一支阵容不齐的队伍打败了。

    They had been beaten by a below-strength side .

  4. 这些木条长短不齐,没法用。

    The pieces of wood are uneven in length and can 't be used .

  5. 人心不齐。

    People are of different minds .

  6. 双源CT冠脉成像中心律不齐的处理方法&心电编辑技术

    To deal with the arrhythmia imagings in examination of coronary artery imaging with dual-source CT & ECG editing technique

  7. 检测ECG心率不齐的一种方法

    Method for detecting ECG arrhythmia

  8. 按常规动校正处理中选用的叠加速度函数V(T0)计算动校正量,势必使动校后的反射波同相轴仍对不齐,影响叠加效果。

    As a result , NMO correction using stack velocity function V ( T_o ) can not thoroughly remove moveout , and stack effect will be unsatisfactory .

  9. 采用方差分析及q检验比较各组CGRP水平的差异性,方差不齐时作秩和检验。

    Using analysis of variance and q test to compare the group differences in levels of CGRP , when variance uneven using rank sum test .

  10. ECG心率不齐是通过与正常心脏跳动频率不同来区分,但这种方法并不是理想。

    Usually , the frequency of heartbeat can be used to discriminate different kinds of arrhythmia from a normal cardiac rhythm , but the result is not satisfying .

  11. 组间差异采用单因素方差分析中的LSD法。方差不齐时用秩和检验中的Mann-whitneyU方法。

    One-way ANOVA with LSD or rank sum test with Mann-Whitney U was performed for analysis among groups .

  12. 在光符识别技术(OCR)中,某行的第一个字符相对于左页边排列不齐的现象。

    In optical character recognition ( OCR ), a misalignment of the first character of a line with respect to the left margin .

  13. 采用t检验比较单变量两组资料,单因素方差分析比较多组资料,非参数检验比较方差不齐者,计数资料采用卡方检验,以P0.05为差别有统计学意义。

    The t test was used to compare the two groups of single variable data , single factor analysis of variance comparing multiple groups of data , nonparametric test to compare the variance not neat , count data using chi-square test .

  14. 实验采用了多种类型的临床数据来验证本文方法,包括从医院临床采集和MIT心电数据库选择的正常、持续性房颤和连续室性早搏性心率不齐的单导体表心电图。

    Different kinds of actual ECG data was used in the experiment to validate this method , including one-lead ECGs of normal , AF and continuous ventricular arrhythmia which collected by local hospital and MIT database .

  15. 方差齐则用LSD-t法,方差不齐用Dunnett-t法。

    The homogeneity of variance with LSD-t method , missing variance with Dunnett-t method .

  16. 对于SD发生的直接诱因室性心率不齐、室性心动过速和心室性颤动的其中一个解释是相邻心肌细胞复极化时间的延长和离散度的增加。

    One recent explanation for the development of life threatening ventricular arrhythmias , ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation , the immediate causes of SD in patients with structural heart diseases , is based on prolongation and dispersion of repolarization between neighboring regions of the myocardium .

  17. 结果经过MEAW技术3~6个月的精细调整,全部病例均达到预期矫治效果,改正了轻度上下前牙中线不齐,建立了良好的咬合关系,达到了稳定的矫治效果。

    Results : Expectant effect was obtained in all cases with the correction of midline irregularity and satisfactory and steady occlusion after 3 to 6 months adjustment .

  18. 两组间均数比较用t检验,多组间均数比较用方差分析,方差不齐时用秩和检验,率的分析采用x2检验。

    Comparison between the two groups with t-test , Comparison between groups compared with more than mean variance analysis and K-W rank sum test , counted datas were used x2 test the rate of using x2 test analysis .

  19. 结果32例患者的快速房性心律失常的心电图表现酷似心房颤动。AA间期绝对不齐160~450ms,平均(287±93)ms,而心房激动顺序则绝对规整有序。

    Results In all of these thirty-two patients , the surface electrocardiogram of the repetitive and nonsustained atrial tachyarrhythmia was very similar to atrial fibrillation , due to the irregular PP intervals [ range from 160 to 450 ms , mean : ( 287 ± 93 ) ms ] .

  20. 那女人用长长的,残缺不齐的指甲抓他。

    The woman scratched him with her long , Broken mils .

  21. 不齐排式:内文排字,字行长度参差不齐的排法。

    Ragged setting : Text set with irregular line lengths .

  22. 她的头发剪得太糟,所有的鬓脚都不齐。

    Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven .

  23. 烤瓷熔附金属全冠对成人前牙排列不齐的美容修复

    Aesthetic treatment for malposed anterior teeth by porcelain-fused to-metal ( pfm ) crown

  24. 动态资料不足,管理资料不齐。

    Lack of dynamic data , management information missing .

  25. 即使贷款者手续不齐,银行还是能够将款放出去。

    They looked the other way when borrowers did not have all the paperwork .

  26. 她的指甲又短又不齐。

    Her fingernails were short and uneven .

  27. 千镑去一厘,整整凑不齐。

    Take a farthing from a-thousand pounds , it will be a-thousand pound no longer .

  28. 严重心率不齐或脉搏极为微弱者不适用本系列产品。

    The monitor is not indicated to patients with severe arrhythmia or extremely weak pulse .

  29. 钝剪刀剪不齐。

    Blunt scissors don 't cut cleanly .

  30. 如资料不齐,本会将不会处理此项申请。

    Your application will not be processed if you fail to provide all the required information .