
  • 网络instability strip
  1. 介绍了δScuti型变星脉动不稳定带的蓝端最重要的激发机制,氢和氦的电离效应所导致的κ机制。

    It is introduced about mechanism caused by ionization of H and He which is dominant excitation mechanism near blue edge of instability strip .

  2. 在本文中我们对两种不同的βCephei变星的理论脉动不稳定带作了比较。

    A comparison between two different theoretical approaches to the β Cephei instability strip is given in this paper .

  3. 不同层序岩相中的不稳定带和岩石的特征变化

    The instable zones in different lithofacies of sequence and property changes of the rocks

  4. 在色星等图上,处于造父不稳定带的左外侧而温度较高,故简称热造父变星。

    On the colour-magnitude diagram they are situated near and more left than the hotter edge of the Cepheid instability stripe , so their temperature is higher than other types of pulsating variables .

  5. 分裂的流体可以形成液滴,或者形成不稳定的液带,随后破裂成液滴。

    The severed fluid may form a drop or may form an unstable ligament which will later break up into drops .

  6. 清以前,少数民族语名称的汉语音译多有不准确、不稳定、带附会歧视色彩等缺失。

    Before the Qing dynasty , there was so much disadvantages as inaccurate , instable and discrimination in the transliterated course of names from minorities'language .

  7. 分析发现,铸嘴尺寸和结构不合理,前箱液面高度不稳定,带坯上下板面凝固结晶差异等是形成带坯上表面夹渣的主要原因。

    The main factors of slag is related to size and irrational structure of nozzle , unstable liquid height of tundish and crystalline differences between surfaces of cast-rolling strip .