
  • 网络OPACITY;semantic opacity
  1. 欧洲市场有45%的ETF是合成基金,英国央行(bankofEngland)警告称它们的复杂性和不透明性会造成系统性风险。

    About 45 per cent of the European market is synthetic and the Bank of England has warned that their complexity and opacity poses a systemic risk .

  2. 矩阵(8K)&垂直滚动效果是通过利用不同的计时特性在文本上移动一系列矩形并改变不透明性而形成的。

    Matrix ( 8K ) & The vertical scrolling effect is created by moving a series of rectangles across the text with different timing properties and varying the opacity .

  3. 但正如欧洲央行(ECB)最近在一份极具吸引力的报告中所指出的,监管者发现,很难评估对净风险的处理是否明智,因为详细的对手数据存在不透明性。

    But , as the European Central Bank recently observed in a fascinating report , regulators are finding it tough to assess whether the net risks are being handled sensibly , since there is a paucity of detailed counterparty data .

  4. 银行的大部分行为都具有这种特性,但是信用衍生品(尤其是债务抵押债券(cdo)等抵押贷款证券)的不透明性和复杂性,导致欺骗、定价过高以及欺诈盛行。

    That feature is inherent in most of what banks do , but the opacity and complexity of credit derivatives especially mortgage-related securities such as collateralised debt obligations let deception , overpricing and ultimately fraud flourish .

  5. 随着太阳落下地平线,使用animateColor来改变天空的颜色,通过变化月亮和星星的不透明性使它们渐渐显现出来。

    As the sun sinks over the horizon , animateColor is used to change the sky 's color , and the moon and the stars fade in by animating their opacity .

  6. 有时这种音系变化还涉及音系不透明性。

    Some cases of r-suffixation in Chinese involve phonological opacity .

  7. 市场不再奖赏金融工具的复杂性和不透明性。

    Markets no longer reward instruments for complexity and opacity .

  8. 该领域的一些不透明性正在被清除。

    Some of the opacity in the sector is clearing .

  9. 这几位教授得出结论是:评级注水程度与不透明性无关,倒是与收入有关。

    The professors concluded that ratings inflation corresponded not to opacity , but revenue .

  10. 兴趣指标只能增强其不透明性。

    Indications of interest merely increase their opacity .

  11. 此外还有另一个问题:现代金融非同寻常的复杂性和不透明性。

    Another problem was at play : the extraordinary complexity and opacity of modern finance .

  12. 它的优势在于对音系不透明性,尤其对多重音系不透明性有很强的解析能力。

    Its advantage lies in its adequate capability of interpreting phonological opacity , especially multiple opacity .

  13. 模糊了一遍,放下层的不透明性,如果阴影似乎过于苛刻。

    Blur again , and drop the layer 's opacity if the shadows seem too harsh .

  14. 对冲基金业摒弃不透明性的这种趋势将在来年加快发展。

    This trend for the hedge-fund industry to abandon its opacity will accelerate over the coming year .

  15. 这一人事变动让观察人士对中移动的战略感到困惑,突显出中国国有企业的不透明性。

    The reshuffle left observers confused over the strategy , underscoring the opaque nature of China 's state enterprises .

  16. 但是这又让我们回到了希望避免的聪明过度(和不透明性)上。

    But that brings us back to the excessive cleverness ( and opacity ) that we hope to avoid .

  17. 离岸保密制度是破坏了企业及金融监管的不透明性的一个主要因素。

    The offshore secrecy system has been a main element of the opacity that has undermined corporate and financial regulation .

  18. 首先,运用同样的梯度图,然后用软轻共混模式,在50%的不透明性。

    Start by applying the same gradient map as before using a soft light blending mode at 50 per cent opacity .

  19. 中国传统文化的无主体性、保守性,衍生出制度的不透明性,与现代社会人本管理理念格格不入,这是人本管理的理论与中国传统文化的缺憾。

    Modern concept of human resource management has some contradicts against Chinese traditional culture that derives non-transparency from its non-principal-part and conservation .

  20. 这种不透明性对执法人员提出了挑战。美国司法部透露,每年通过本土空壳公司转移的可疑资金数以亿计。

    This opacity presents challenges for law enforcement officials , who say billions of dollars in suspicious money move through shell companies each year .

  21. 设计的艺术语言表现为情感性,又使设计语义具有一定的密度和厚度,不透明性,歧义性和模糊性。

    And art language in design expresses " emotion " and makes the design semantic in a form of density , thickness , non-transparency , imagination and illegibility .

  22. 具有非破坏性、精确、设备廉价、能够对高浓度液体和光不透明性材料进行检测的独特优势,因此在食品加工过程监控和食品质量控制上有着广阔的应用前景。

    Ultrasonic measurement has broad applications in food industries both in process control and product assessment for its particular advantages of rapid , nondestructive , noninvasive and inexpensive .

  23. 作为一对一的合约,场外金融衍生产品交易的封闭性与不透明性,使得其信息分布不对称的问题尤其突出,这也是场外金融衍生产品交易风险的主要来源。

    As one-to-one contracts , information opacity is a fatal problem in OTC financial Derivatives trading , which is also the main source of the related transaction exposure .

  24. 但是,数据方面的不透明性,意味着制造商出口商品从廉价加工业务出现真正转移的程度,很难确定。

    But the opacity of the data means that the magnitude of a real shift in exports away from cheap processing operations for manufacturers is hard to pin down .

  25. 然而,由于金属模具的不透明性和熔融金属的高压使得很难对充型过程做出视觉化评估。

    However , the opacity of the metal mould and the high metal pressure during casting make the mould filling process very hard to be directly and visually evaluated .

  26. 然而,非营利基金会经营方面的不透明性使其利益相关者难以获取有效信息,实现对其监督,中国关心下一代健康体育基金会对资金的违规使用就是最好的明证。

    However , the opacity of the non-profit foundations for operation makes their stakeholders difficult to have access to their information and hard to carry out their supervision over it .

  27. 这个僵尸网络计谋劫持了美国境内的12万台私人电脑,使广告客户们每月付出数百万美元的代价,它突显了在线广告与日俱增的复杂性和不透明性。

    The so-called botnet scheme , which hijacked 120,000 residential PCs in the US and cost advertisers millions of dollars a month , highlights the increasing complexity and opacity of online advertising .

  28. 在过去几个月里,销售证券化债券已越来越困难,因为投资者对此类投资工具的不透明性和复杂性深感恐慌,事实上已经不涉足了。

    In the past few months it has become increasingly difficult to sell securitised bonds , because investors have panicked about the opacity and complexity of these instruments and in effect gone on strike .

  29. 一位外交官表示:人们对中国日益增长的影响力感到担忧,部分担忧源于这一体系的不透明性&没有任何有关中缅两国关系的公开声明。

    There is concern about the growing influence of China and part of that reflects the opaqueness of the system here , says a diplomat . There are no public statements about the relationship .

  30. 具有不透明性,即便给定特定节点的算法和数据有效载荷,观察者也无法推断出系统的整体功能

    Opacity of purpose where , even if given the algorithm and data payload for any given node , it is not possible for an observer to deduce what the system as a whole is doing