
bù míng zhēn xiàng
  • be unaware of the truth;ignorant of the facts;be kept in the dark;is still enveloped in mystery
不明真相[bù míng zhēn xiàng]
  1. 此案的共同被告因向数千不明真相的存款人出售毫无价值的垃圾债券而被起诉。

    The co-defendants are charged with selling worthless junk bonds to thousands of unsuspecting depositors .

  2. 那些被骗售给了不明真相的公众。

    Those are foisted on an unsuspecting public .

  3. 这位青年就是俄狄浦斯。他在不明真相的情况下杀死了自己的父亲。

    The young man was Oedipus , who thus unknowingly became the slayer of his own father .

  4. 互联网让我们从‘不明真相’中走向‘恍然大悟’。

    The Internet let us'do not know the truth'in to'suddenly ' .

  5. 他的确不明真相。

    He is really unaware of the truth .

  6. 我们都不明真相。

    We are all unaware of the truth .

  7. 我相信周围不明真相的围观群众一定觉得十分有喜感。

    I 'm sure all the innocent people around me found the whole scene quite entertaining .

  8. 是的,目前还是一个不明真相的时期,仍有很多那些选择混乱的人。

    Yes , it is a time of dissembling and there are those who are still choosing the chaos .

  9. 许多不明真相的买主用高价购买铁路股票,或受骗买进被人炒高的股票。

    Often , unsuspecting buyers paid exorbitant prices for their railroad stock , or were cheated with stock that was artificially inflated .

  10. 这样,所有不明真相的人们可以继续喝你们制造的奶粉,在不知不觉中走进坟墓了。

    Then all those people who don 't know the truth will still by your milk powder and walk into the grave .

  11. 如果好人无所作为,一群不明真相的公众真的有可能扑灭医学进步的宝贵火种。

    If good people do nothing there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of medical progress .

  12. 尽管现在还有很多灵魂不明真相,地球上已经发生了许多的大动荡。

    Even now there are many souls quite unaware as to what is happening , that is causing so much upheaval upon Earth .

  13. 而通过“不明真相”的反复涂抹,“群众”也最终完成了其词性的蜕变与转换,被指涉的对象也被丑化和妖魔化了。

    The repetitive use of the adjective " ignorance of the truth and facts " has successfully transformed and demonized " the masses " .

  14. 他们都屏住气,因为在陆地上也好,海上也好,受到不明真相的东西追逐可一点也不妙。

    They all held their breath , for it is not at all nice to be pursued by an unknown something either on land or sea .

  15. 因此,必须向不明真相的人说清楚,黑话是文学范畴中的一种奇迹,也是人类社会的一种产物。

    For , it must be stated to those who are ignorant of the case , that argot is both a literary phenomenon and a social result .

  16. 由此看来,无论是“群众是真正的英雄”还是“不明真相的群众”,说到底都是“意识到形态国家机器”的生产之物。

    Both labels ," the masses are the true heroes " and " the masses are ignorant of the truth and facts ", are manufactured by " the state apparatus " .

  17. 云南省委宣传部门的通知,激起了对一张“不明真相”的政治和社会标签的检讨。

    The notice issued by the Propaganda department of Yunan Province has stirred up a critical reflection of the political labeling of the mass as " ignorant of the truth and facts " .

  18. 在我睡觉的时候我感觉到奇怪和疼痛,当人们不明真相的围观我的时候我会感到很不高兴,我也很讨厌去医院。

    ' It feels weird and hurts most when I 'm in bed . I get upset when people who don 't know me stare and it 's annoying going to hospitals . '

  19. 不明真相的参观者因为不知道这到底是啥,于是只能认为这是一件艺术作品了……接下来,他们就开始对着这幅眼镜拍拍拍。

    Unsure what to make of it , bemused visitors did the only thing they could think of - they thought it was a piece of art and starting taking photographs of them .

  20. 当时新疆的匪患主要是一些封建牧主、部落头人,他们胁迫许多不明真相的少数民族群众,利用宗教作为掩护,具有很强的蒙蔽性。

    It holds the idea that the bandits at that time had their own characteristics , mainly consisting of feudal herd owners and tribal chiefs , they coerced many ethnic groups into banditry under the cloak of religion .