
ài mù xū rónɡ
  • 熟语be vain;be given to vanity
  1. 我不是个爱慕虚荣的人。

    I am not a vain creature

  2. 他天生爱慕虚荣。

    He was a born peacock

  3. 莱斯特笑她爱慕虚荣。

    Lester smiled at her vanity and love of show .

  4. 第十一课第一部分小王子拜访爱慕虚荣的人

    Lesson 11 Part 1 The Little Prince Visits the Conceited Man

  5. 爱慕虚荣的人再次向他脱帽回礼。

    The conceited man again raised his hat in salute .

  6. 他既软弱又爱慕虚荣。

    His not only weak but also admire vanity .

  7. 她对外表非常爱慕虚荣,只穿名牌。

    She is very vain about her appearance , she only wears branded goods .

  8. 我讨厌爱慕虚荣的女人。

    I don 't like a vain woman .

  9. 你最痛恨奢侈浪费、爱慕虚荣的人。

    You hate wasteful , flamboyant individuals .

  10. 与我们这些凡人一样,他们无知、片面、见利忘义,还爱慕虚荣。

    Like the rest of us , they are ignorant , partial , venal and vain .

  11. 时尚生活追求者与爱慕虚荣型汽车消费态度显著正相关;

    The relationship between faddist and conspicuous attitude on automobile consumption is significant and strongly positive correlation ;

  12. 当然,通过租用东西来改变生活方式原本可能是一笔明智的投资,但却有可能很快变成爱慕虚荣的攀比行为。

    Of course , leasing a lifestyle can turn from a wise investment to an unhealthy ego trip pretty quickly .

  13. 我只是一个爱慕虚荣的女仆跟一位不检点的国王擦枪走火的私生子。

    Alistair : I am the son of a star-struck maid and an indiscreet man who just happened to be king .

  14. 为了生意兴隆,餐厅需要后两者关系和谐,但往往不是那么容易:厨师认为点心师不可或缺,但是觉得他们爱慕虚荣。

    To prosper , restaurants need harmony between the last two but often that is not easy : the chefs view pastry chefs as essential but with a tendency to be prima donnas .

  15. 玛格丽特虽然有点爱慕虚荣,但她天性温柔善良,颇得姐妹们敬重,特别是乔,更是深深地爱着自己的姐姐,并对她言听计从,因为她无论说什么都总是轻声细语的。

    In spite of her small vanities , Margaret had a sweet andpious nature , which unconsciously influenced her sisters , especially Jo , who loved her very tenderly , and obeyed herbecause her advice was so gently given .