
  1. 我相信,《爱上邓丽君》一定会让你在音乐剧的世界里流连忘返!

    May you enjoy the trip in musical world of Love u , Teresa !

  2. 《爱上邓丽君》凝结了所有创作者的智慧和心血。

    Love u , Teresa is a show filled with wisdom and efforts of the whole creative team .

  3. 最近,一出名为“爱上邓丽君”的音乐剧正在全国范围内选拔演员。

    Recently , a musical entitled " Fall in Love with Teresa Teng " is currently looking for performers .

  4. 去年,《蝶》于香港演出轰动全城,民建联很高兴今年协办《爱上邓丽君》,向市民推介优秀文化艺术。

    With last year 's sensation of the musical Butterflies still fresh in mind , the DAB is delighted to co-host this event and to present excellent works of art .

  5. 欢迎各位出席音乐剧《爱上邓丽君》首演筹款专场,我代表民建联多谢您们的支持。

    On behalf of the DAB , I would like to extend my warmest welcome and most sincere gratitude for your participation in the special fundraising premiere of musical Love U , Teresa .