
  1. 我们这个活儿真不是人干的。

    We get treated like shit in this job .

  2. 我找了份提供住所的工作,但分给我的房间简直不是人住的地方。

    I went for a living-in job , but the room I was given was a hovel .

  3. 原始卵泡的启动生长和分化:原始卵泡生长启动可能受卵巢内在因子,像生长因子的调控,而不是人所想象的FSH;

    Primordial follicle growth and deferentiation : the initiation of primordial folicle growth is controlled by ovarian paracrine factors , such as EGF of other growth factors , but not by FSH ;

  4. 但他们说他不是人。

    But they say he isn 't human , either .

  5. “那不是人太少了么?”

    " Will there be enough of us without them , then ?"

  6. 但这不是人的本性,也不是人类的心意。

    But that ` s not human nature , not the human heart .

  7. 不是人?看上去很象人。

    Not human ? Looks very human .

  8. 他认为,人的道德的终极来源不是人自己,我们不可能自己为自己立下道德律,人也不能仅靠自己就能够拯救自己;

    Man cannot set down moral orders for himself and he cannot save himself by his own powers either .

  9. 如果你想过幸福的生活,那就把幸福和目标结合在一起,而不是人和事物。

    If you want to live a happy life , tie it to a goal , not to people or things .

  10. 当然,从资本的功能讲,它追求的目标是财富,而不是人的全面发展。

    Of course , from the view of capital , the pursuing aim of capital is the fortune , not the human development in all directions .

  11. 呜呼,人与人之间是永远不能平等的,人的思想永远也不能一样的,如果都和你想的一样,那就不是人的而成了产品;

    Wuhu , is between people can never be equal , people 's ideology can never be the same , and if you want to have the same , it would not be human and became a product ;

  12. 她信仰社会主义,但不是社会党人。

    She 's a socialist with a small ' s ' .

  13. 他们是不是每个人都肯定过一定会来?

    Has everyone confirmed they 're coming ?

  14. 我哥哥永远不会背着妻子在外面拈花惹草,他不是那种人。

    My brother would never cheat on his wife ; he 's not that sort .

  15. 给人的印象是柔和俏丽而不是吸人眼球的性感。

    The effect is soft and pretty rather than drop-dead sexy .

  16. 不是每个人都对未来如此悲观。

    Not everyone is so pessimistic about the future

  17. 这些种子并不是给人吃的。

    The seeds were not meant for human consumption

  18. 不是所有人都赞成庆祝该节日。

    Not everyone approves of the festival

  19. 对你批评最严厉的并不是驾车人,而是普通民众。

    It 's not motorists who give you the most stick , it 's the general public

  20. 她绝对不是许多人认为的那种愚蠢的小媳妇。

    She wasn 't at all the mindless little wife so many people perceived her to be .

  21. 他不是那种人。

    He is not a man of that sort .

  22. 他表明了这样的看法:并不是所有人的能力都相同。

    He uttered the opinion that not all men were equal in ability .

  23. 基督教的慈悲,不是教人安慰受难者吗?

    Was it not the duty in Christian charity to try to console the mourner ?

  24. 是不是每个人都带来了球拍?

    Has anyone brought their racket ?

  25. 独立是被压迫民族斗争得来的,不是什么人恩赐的。

    Independence is won by the oppressed nations through struggle ; it is not bestowed as a favour .

  26. 你太相信别人了,严酷的现实并不是每个人都像你那样诚实。

    You are too trusting ; it 's one of the hard facts of life that not everybody is as honest as you are .

  27. 现在如果你不给我我所要的智慧,那您压根儿就不是聪明人.而是个骗子,是假聪明。

    If you don 't give me the brains I ask for now , you 're no wise woman , but a cheat and a fraud .

  28. 它不是任何人都可以胜任的。

    It is not something that just anyone can be good at .

  29. 应声明一点,不是每个人都有记录睡眠模式的设备;在这些国家中,可能只有最富有的人才有。

    It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns ; in some of these nations , it 's likely that only the richest people do .

  30. "嘿,你不是密西西比人吗?"

    " Hey , aren 't you from Mississippi ? "